British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,145

Watching politics show talking about Algeria

A couple of interesting things

One was how come the UK government know so llitle was happening, no sattelites or anything

Secondly has the Arab spring meant were going to see more of this sort of thing

Ok so Lance Armstrong is accused of using his charitable foundation to defend his naughty behaviours, same as Saville and the BBC is accused of using comic relief et al to predominantly promote its self.

Is the nature of charitable donations questionable?

Andthat's not mentioning corporations who donate and sponsor, but dodge far bigger tax bills?

:) All very true- sad but true.

I think charitable donations should be forbidden to people who's tax status is under investigation

Not fussed about armstrong

Yeah he's a big cheating bastard

But he didn't kill anyone

It's just friggin bike racing

Who gives a toss?

Biiig woop

He needs to pay back the people he sued for daring to suggest he used drugs, though.

It bullies people into taking drugs to compete, as Zooo pointed out the suing business.

And ultimately whats the flipping point in any kind of competative sport based purely on who could take the most drugs before they're heart explodes.

surely the main thing is how was he able to get away with this for years and years?

how did the tests not detect anything?

ffs - the guy mustve rattled he had so much f**kin shit in him

the people responsible need to explain

cos if I was as shit at my job as these guys id be unemployed

Quote: lofthouse @ January 20 2013, 7:27 PM GMT

how did the tests not detect anything?

That is really the interesting part.
What's the point of drug testing if it doesn't even work? Silly buggers.


he won like , 8? tour de frances????

i think the testers need testing

they mustve been freakin stoned at the time

He was most probably tested positive a few times...but maybe he bribed them or made generous "donations" to the UCI.

Agassi was tested positive (crystal meth I think it was). The Tennis Association informed him about it "Don't do it again!". They didn't want to ban him cause he was Tennis' posterboy then. And so was Armstrong in the cycling circuit. "Too big to fail", they call this in economics!

He was willing to sue or shame anyone who challenged him.

Most people are cowards.

:( Well I heard on a radio story that Armstrong used blood transfusions containing white blood cells, this prevented detection of steriods being discovered. Obviously this needed a doctors co-operation to provide and administer the transfusion.

He was like a mafia godfather. And now he gets paid for his big "confession". Clever!

The grossest method I heard about to get a negative test is to empty your bladder and fill it up with the urine of a different person (who didn't take drugs, obviously) before getting tested.

I'm not even sure that's physically possible, probably a myth.

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