Monday 14th January 2013 6:25pm
2,721 posts
ALAN: Right, we've tried everything.
MARY: I think we're just going to have to give up. I don't think there's a clear way out of this recession. I guess we're just going to batten down the hatches and ride it out.
STEVE: I've got a little idea.
ALAN: Right.
STEVE: What if we raise interest rates?
STEVE: And lower VAT?
MARY: Uh-uh.
STEVE: And raise...the dead.
MARY: Sorry?
STEVE: The dead. Raise 'em right up!
ALAN: Steve, why does it always come back to necromancy for you?
STEVE: What do you mean?
ALAN: It's your answer to everything. Raise the dead. Empty the graves. You're obsessed.
STEVE: I'm not.
MARY: Oh, come on, we spent hours trying to reanimate corpses last week. Really put a damper on that barbecue.
STEVE: Well, that was the wrong environment, this time it could really be the dream ticket.
ALAN: Steve, there are two reasons why I'm going to reject your proposal. One, there is as yet no empirical data available that post-mortem revivification is feasible. Two, necromancy as a whole is generally perceived to be somewhere on the evil spectrum, and that is an association the current administration doesn't need.
MARY: And, besides all that, I'm still not clear on how reanimating the nation's cadavers will help the economy. What are all these zombies going to do?
STEVE: Our bidding!
ALAN: Which is?
STEVE: Well....loads of things. They could work for free, for a start.
MARY: What, and add another few million onto the list of unemployed? How will that help?
ALAN: Also, Steve, it may have escaped your notice, as I dare say your grimoires are a little out of date, but Britain doesn't actually make anything anymore. It's all service industry. What would it be like having our High Street clothing stores and coffee shops manned by the undead? [Beat] Yes, alright, alright, ignore that comment.
MARY: Steve, I don't think this idea is going to fly. I'm afraid I can't offer my support.
ALAN: Whereas I just think it's mental; shall we move on to other topics?
STEVE: Hah! What do you know? They called Einstein mad.
ALAN: Who did?
STEVE: All those...haters.
MARY: Nobody called Einstein mad. He was a respected physicist working within an academic community towards a definable end, whereas you are a member of a governmental financial think tank who has inexplicably become obsessed with the dark arts. Steve, you've got to let this voodoo stuff go.
STEVE: [Grudgingly] I suppose.
ALAN: Right, discussion closed. We'll tell the minister that we can't offer any simple solution at this afternoon's briefing. This country does not have money or resources to invest in crazy mumbo jumbo. Anything else before we go?
MARY: The time machine - we're not getting very far.
ALAN: That's OK, take another few billion. We'll balance the books once we crack alchemy.