British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,137

This story bothers me some how. Yet another kid turns up at school after being beaten by his parents and no one notices, or raises an alarm until he's dead. Was it that old saw of we don't understand his culture, so we don't challenge it. And is it really ok for 1000s of kids to joylessly, mindlessly memorise religious texts they don't even understand.

At what point do we start really saying with conviction, that the safety and happiness of a child is paramount. And that a parents culture or faith comes second?

Quote: sootyj @ January 8 2013, 11:25 AM GMT

This story bothers me some how. Yet another kid turns up at school after being beaten by his parents and no one notices, or raises an alarm until he's dead. Was it that old saw of we don't understand his culture, so we don't challenge it. And is it really ok for 1000s of kids to joylessly, mindlessly memorise religious texts they don't even understand.

At what point do we start really saying with conviction, that the safety and happiness of a child is paramount. And that a parents culture or faith comes second?

I just about had tears in my eyes reading that. Safety and happiness of any human, adult or child should be paramount. Physical and mental abuse of people shouldn't be an accepted part of any culture or religion. Although in saying that I'm sure I'm been racist or insenitive in some way.!

Two c*nts, one clip.

Eugh! Nobody wants Piers.

That bloke be crazy.
Takes a lot to make Piers look like the better person, but he managed it.

What a dick - and not Piers, for once.

What I don't get, is when they say "it's not the gun that kills, it's the man" isn't the comeback that, in that case, America, rather than the land of the free, must be the "Land of the Murderous C**t"
How else do they explain their appalling crime figures - if not mass gun-ownership.

I've always said, if yanks didn't speak English we'd treat them with the same wary suspicion that we treat some of the more looney fundamentalist arabs.
There are some genuinely uncivilised people over there.

Quote: Lazzard @ January 8 2013, 6:30 PM GMT

What a dick - and not Piers, for once.

What I don't get, is when they say "it's not the gun that kills, it's the man" isn't the comeback that, in that case, America, rather than the land of the free, must be the "Land of the Murderous C**t"
How else do they explain their appalling crime figures - if not mass gun-ownership.

I've always said, if yanks didn't speak English we'd treat them with the same wary suspicion that we treat some of the more looney fundamentalist arabs.
There are some genuinely uncivilised people over there.

Hey, with no Dabutt or Renegade around, we can say guns are bad and feel semi-secure we won't be challenged!

Wilko Johnson diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

Very sad - the guy is a hero of mine.

Quote: Lazzard @ January 9 2013, 5:22 PM GMT

Wilko Johnson diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

Very sad - the guy is a hero of mine.

That's awful news. Just been watching HBO's adult fantasy epic Game of Thrones and who should turn up doing a turn as bawdy minstral- Wilko Johnson.

Quote: Lazzard @ January 8 2013, 6:30 PM GMT

I've always said, if yanks didn't speak English we'd treat them with the same wary suspicion that we treat some of the more looney fundamentalist arabs.
There are some genuinely uncivilised people over there.

Overweight donut eating fuzzy wuzzies.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 8 2013, 7:13 PM GMT

Hey, with no Dabutt or Renegade around, we can say guns are bad and feel semi-secure we won't be challenged!

Laughing out loud

Even though his film's aren't what they used to be, I quite like that QT is such an unlikeable tit.

Must be incredibly annoying hearing the same question/accusation over and over. (Not that I've watched the video.)

Quote: zooo @ January 11 2013, 2:59 PM GMT

Must be incredibly annoying hearing the same question/accusation over and over.

Meh. That's the business he's in. If he doesn't like interviews, don't do them. Jack Nicholson hardly ever did those press junkets. Although like I said, I quite like it when actors and directors are tits.

Quote: zooo @ January 11 2013, 2:59 PM GMT

Must be incredibly annoying hearing the same question/accusation over and over. (Not that I've watched the video.)

Quite. Journalist looking for an angle rather than just talking to him about the film itself. He's answered the question over and over and over, he doesn't need to state the obvious yet again.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 11 2013, 3:20 PM GMT

Quite. Journalist looking for an angle rather than just talking to him about the film itself. He's answered the question over and over and over, he doesn't need to state the obvious yet again.

So why even do interviews? Just release a press statement about the film if you're going to throw a hissy fit the minute someone dares to go off topic. And let's face it, there is nothing more tedious than a film star/director trotting out the same old claptrap about their film.

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