You can argue over individual lines or shots until the cows come home (and expect you to have hoovered..) the main thing to me is that the overall effect is "right" - which it is.
The individual lines might get changed around over time and deciding if one line is better than another when the gags are similar is quite subjective. Whether a shot of a timepiece is going to work or not (I think it would work as it's a classic James Bond shot..) wouldn't really be down to the writer, isn't it more a call for the director? I'd have quite a long lingering shot on the kids timepiece which would make the original line work and it is my favourite above the alternatives tried! (Subjectively!)
I must admit it seemed more like a sketch to me not a sitcom but of course it could be characters in a sitcom if you want it to be. Why not?
M Lewis: I reckon some of the advice you're being given is too specific, i.e. change a word, change a gag. It's very subjective mate and one man's meat.. go with what YOU feel works and only change something when you're absoloutely sure it really does improve it. In the main, only listen to what professional editors, commissioners, producers have to say about your work if you're going to change anything you don't particularly agree with/can't see the need to.
Just a thought geezer! ..and of course, it's just the opinion of an amateur writer/film maker.