Yacob Wingnut
Monday 17th December 2012 9:15pm [Edited]
772 posts
Thanks for the long critique, Indigo. Appreciate the time you took to answer. And thanks to Ben for his response too.
Quote: Indigo @ December 16 2012, 8:52 PM GMT
I'm not sure I completely get how the punchline relates to the rest of it though (apologies for maybe being a bit slow). The joke for most of the sketch seemed to be that the bloke with blond hair was telling Keith that a snake was eating him when he was obviously aware of this already, also that the bloke with blond hair was failing to do anything to stop it. But the punchline seemed to suggest that the blond-haired bloke was in fact waiting for Keith to be eaten so that he could reveal the sister thing to him in safety, which gives the sketch a completely different slant and left me a bit confused.
So, overall, I would prefer a clearer concept in this sketch. Is it about a man stating the obvious (that Keith is being eaten by a snake), whilst failing to do anything about it? Or is it about someone feeling they should reveal the truth (the sister thing) but not wanting to, and putting it off until they can reveal it in safety?
If it's the latter, I feel that Keith's predicament should really be caused by the blond bloke (to make his motivation clearer), whereas the snake just seems to be something that's happened.
I can see that the sketch is trying to be about both of the above concepts, but the two don't quite gel for me - I'd prefer it to be about one or the other.
Damn it, does that not gel. My thought was that Keith's friend was always thinking in the present (i.e. he wasn't thinking about mentioning the sister until AFTER Keith was eaten). It gels in my mind (but I have an odd brain so I could be the minority). Possibly I could add something like Blond Guy's eyes looking up-left just before the punch-line to hopefully indicate that his brain has switched from one train of thought to another (not sure if that'll solidify the sketch - just a thought).
The original punch-line was, "The snake's eaten you," but I rejected it because I thought it was a bit too obvious.
Quote: Indigo @ December 16 2012, 8:52 PM GMT
Anyway, nice to watch a clip rather than just read a script,
Yeah, it's weird how much effort reading a script can be.
Quote: Indigo @ December 16 2012, 8:52 PM GMT
I like the music clip as well. Very Murray Gold. Would work well for the backing of some sort of climactic sci-fi scene, I think, although it seems to get softer and less militant in the final third.
Had to Google the name. Cheers.
Quote: Ben @ December 17 2012, 7:25 PM GMT
I'm with Indigo on pretty much every point above.
Oh and Keith's mate seemed a little too static. A bit move body movement would have looked better.
I quite liked Blond guy standing completely still whilst his friend got eaten (also, I'm a lazy git who tries to do as little drawing as possible). Maybe I could add some more eyebrow, eye and head movement. Might have his arm move a bit.
Thanks again!