I wrote this last night, and see that my description of the 4 horsemen repeats DubiousG's dressage gag. Great minds, and all that.
GOD: Right, that's it. I've had enough. I'm going to do it. I'm going to end the world.
JESUS: Yeah?
GOD: Yep. I've had it up to here. It's over. Apocalypse o'clock.
JESUS: Right. I mean, that's great, and everything, but you've said that before.
GOD: Yeah, I know, but I mean it this time.
JESUS: It's just, all the other times you meant it, and you told those guys in the midwest and outside tube stations to spread the word, and then you backed out. It's kind of made them look a bit silly.
GOD: I know, I know. But I'll make sure they're in the elect, to make it up to them. This time I'm really really certain.
JESUS: Alright, then, let's do it! I'll pull the saved souls up to heaven, you destroy the world, and we'll meet back here for cocktails at seven.
GOD: Yes. No. I mean, that would work, but I had a few ideas that we could just, you know, mess about with. [Pulls out scroll]
JESUS: Go on.
GOD: Right, well there are these trumpets.
JESUS: Trumpets? At a cataclysm?
GOD: No, sure, but bear with me: there are these trumpets and they all have a parp, and then -
JESUS: And then the earth is destroyed, OK, works for me.
GOD: No, no, it's a bit more...well, the first trumpet burns up a third of earth's vegetation, OK? The second destroys a third of the earth's ships, right, and the next one poisons some of the earth's water.
JESUS: A third, by any chance?
GOD: Umm, yeah, I think that was roughly the fraction I was thinking of.
JESUS: Look, can't we skip the thirds, and do it all at once? I mean, if you keep attacking the same third it's inefficient...not to mention a bit racist. We can't have a racist millennium: it was bad enough making me the only blond guy in the Middle East, but that was 2000 years ago, this would be a PR disaster.
GOD: Fair enough. No thirds, we'll do it all at once.
JESUS: Great, I'll get the trumpets.
GOD: OK. But just before that, there's this book, you see. And a lamb.
JESUS: A lamb?
GOD: A lamb. A sort of dead lamb, yeah, and it opens the seals of the book.
JESUS: A dead lamb?
GOD: Don't you like it?
JESUS: It's a bit leftfield.
GOD: I thought you'd like the dead lamb. It's supposed to be you.
JESUS: Oh. Oh, right. I don't really know, err, what to say.
GOD: You don't like it. Oh, no, you hate it, don't you?
JESUS: No, I don't hate it, exactly, it's a just a bit...well, what does this lamb do?
GOD: He opens the first seal, and a white horse comes out. Then he opens the second seal, and a red horse comes out. There's a black horse when the third seal's opened, and then -
JESUS: Look, can't we just get this apocalypse over with, without some sort of psychedelic gymkhana? Give me that! [Grabs scroll and reads] Stars falling, yadda yadda, locusts with human faces, blah blah, seven bowls for some unknown reason. What? A seven headed leopard from the sea? Have you gone completely insane?
GOD: I'm just trying to zazz things up a bit.
JESUS: Zazz? This isn't zazz, it's a bloody circus. Look, you've got a big beast with a number daubed on it.
GOD: 666!
JESUS: Yes, I know, 666. What does that even mean?
GOD: 666! It sounds cool.
JESUS: It sounds mental. Who ever heard of a beast with a serial number? You going to file it, or something? What is this, some sort of tagged conservation programme for monsters? Are you going to breed them?
GOD: Ooh, that's not a bad idea.
JESUS: Yes it is! You tried that with the dinosaurs, and it didn't work.
GOD: Never speak of them! They are nothing to me.
JESUS: Fine. But what's with all the palaver? You harrowed hell in a single afternoon, surely we can get this over with a bit quicker? There's a part of your plan here that lasts a thousand years, that's quite a large percentage of the entire history of the earth...if we don't count the dino-
GOD: Don't say it!
JESUS: -things. You never used to be like that. You used to be decisive. It used to be all thou shalt not this, forty days of that and I'll turn you into a pillar of the other.
GOD: Yes, but that was the old days. I've changed now.
JESUS: Kind of an odd thing for an omniscient, omnipotent being to do, wouldn't you say?
GOD: Oh, I hadn't thought of that. [Promptly disappears in a puff of logic]
JESUS: Right, that's Him out of the way, finally. The apocalypse is off forever; I think I'll retire to Norwich...
Why can't I post this in a new reply? Very odd. Anyway, if anyone sees this squirreled away down here, this is my vote.
I liked the set ups that Dubious and Millar came up with a lot, but I shall cast my cataclysmic hat in with Adam: if this is the last sketch comp before the world explodes, let's end on some awkward sex. ![Cool](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/emoticons/cool.gif)