Wednesday 5th December 2012 12:24am
4,987 posts
Quote: AJGO @ December 4 2012, 9:11 PM GMT
Sorry, I forgot to format properly- AJGO WINS!
CAPITALS MEANS TRUTHS, hell yeah, who's with me?
*Puts hand up for high-five...*
Um, guys? It's been like, three hours? I can't move my arm, one of you mean-spirited non-high-fivers is gonna have to come round and re-adjust me
Quote: Harridan @ December 4 2012, 9:31 PM GMT
Waaahhhhh! Somebody write my essay for me! *dissolves into pool of self-pitying procrastination*
Okay, basically some white posh male says blah, some other white posh male says blah, they never have sex, academia suffers. Sorted?
Quote: chipolata @ December 4 2012, 9:37 PM GMT
Sorry to hear about your problems, OR. I shan't offer you a hug, though. The only BCGer I'd actually hug is Ellie.
Is this why you're not coming to BCG drinks on Friday?
No wonder people resent the Jews
Quote: Oldrocker @ December 4 2012, 10:05 PM GMT
Thanks to everyone for your good wishes !
It really helps. Sorting out the sleeping will be a big help and I can then move onto the eating! I went to Asda tonight and bought Victoria sponge slices, lemon drizzle slices, shortbread fingers and some shortcake biscuits for the morrow when I may have my first cup of tea in 8-10 years ! Anything to get food inside me !
Fingers crossed !

One thing I heard about depression, is that it's really good if you move to London and share your cakes & biscuits with people called AJGO. Yep, definitely one of them sciencez.
Quote: lofthouse @ December 4 2012, 10:56 PM GMT

Are you Simon Cowell? 
Quote: Tursiops @ December 4 2012, 11:45 PM GMT
The drugs? I wasn't convinced to begin with but after the quack doubled the dose I became a happy shiny person. With a flaccid dick, but there are always trade offs in life.
Fresh air and exercise are just good mental hygiene, and immersing yourself in anything acts as a meditation, without all the chanting 'Om' and feeling like a bit of knob.
How was it being a shiny happy person? Did you like it? Much as I often wonder about what it would be like to not be me, the thought of being 'happy' makes me feel quite ill.