Tuesday 4th December 2012 11:41am
31,465 posts
Quote: Andicus @ December 4 2012, 2:03 AM GMT
I thought it wasn't too bad, but was really unconvinced that Mark wouldn't have known he was being scammed by the 'publisher.'
I'd agree with this. They could have still had Mark falling for the scam, but they could have put a bit more effort into him kidding himself that it wasn't vanity publishing. Or that even if he saw that it was, he believed he'd be one of the few vanity publishing success stories. As it was, we were just meant to swallow it and add our own character motivation.
Although this lack of character continuity has become something of a Peep Show pattern. Sophie morphed from boring girlfriend to self destructive addict to carping harpy. Johnson's dallied with being a stalking obsessive loon. Super Hans seems to have suddenly gone straight... It's hard to imagine long running American shows like Curb doing so many about-faces with their main characters.
That said, it's still very funny and head and shoulders above every other British sitcom on TV at the moment so it's hard to get too upset.