British Comedy Guide

Who do you fancy? Page 887

Rename this thread: SYSIPHUS

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 1 2012, 2:41 PM GMT

Hey! I was specifically referenced by zooo and not once did I denegrate Miranda. I said she was really talented, but not for me. Pingl said he'd do it, I said fill yer boots.

I have been nothing but diplomatic, it's everyone else who's got a wasp up their wotsits.

Wave Hey!

I wasn't telling you off, R.C. I was merely trying to push the thread back on topic, that topic being "Who Do You Fancy?" A thread where forum members post photos, links or lists of people they consider attractive.

Quote: Harridan @ December 1 2012, 2:44 PM GMT

I thought we'd been very civil.

It always starts off that way.

This is still the General Discussion forum, and you are free to go off-topic. I was just pointing out that this debate is futile, as it will just cycle around and around.

Quote: Lee @ December 1 2012, 2:49 PM GMT

*I was just pointing out that this debate is futile, as it will just cycle around and around.

True, let's go onto the news thread and sort out the gun issue once and for all. I think we can do it today, feels right.

Quote: Lee @ December 1 2012, 2:46 PM GMT

A thread where forum members post photos, links or lists of people they consider attractive.


People seek justifications for their opinions, particularly when they foreword their posts with 'Don't ask me why, but I find the Granny from the sitcom Hebburn to be really fit...'.

It's no different from other threads like 'Britain's Best Sitcom'. People express a preference, said preference is thusly debated.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 1 2012, 2:51 PM GMT

True, let's go onto the news thread and sort out the gun issue once and for all. I think we can do it today, feels right.

I think it will be unfair without Randy... much like this thread. It needs to be randy.

Saying someone is attractive is not the same as saying you'd give them one, I'm sure Miranda isn't interested in an ageing dullard like me. And then of course there has to be a spiritual connection RC, just joking don't get all antsy :D

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 1 2012, 2:51 PM GMT

True, let's go onto the news thread and sort out the gun issue once and for all. I think we can do it today, feels right.

There has been that recent court case with the SAS soldier and his war trophy, it's topically relevent.

Quote: Pingl @ December 1 2012, 2:53 PM GMT

Saying someone is attractive is not the same as saying you'd give them one

Nope, can't get that point through my thick skull. There is only one true measure of attractiveness and that's if you'd shag 'em twice.

Ever thought of presenting Take me out?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 1 2012, 2:25 PM GMT

Look, I could purposefully lie about my opinions to try and score some mythical lefty feminism points, but why bother?

Or you could just try not posting.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 1 2012, 2:52 PM GMT

People express a preference, said preference is thusly debated.

I understand that but I ask you this... do you not have anything better to do? :D

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ December 1 2012, 2:39 PM GMT

These {pictures of bikini models} are boring me as well

True, it is the quirky choices that make this thread interesting (or if you are RC, unaccountably provoking.)

Quote: Tursiops @ December 1 2012, 3:00 PM GMT

it is the quirky choices that make this thread interesting


Isla fisher



Yup, she looks nice. Funny looking dress...looks like one of these things knights in medieval times were wearing.

Oh yeah, chainmailish.

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