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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,074

Quote: AJGO @ November 26 2012, 10:16 PM GMT

An interesting aside to the moral/religious debate is the recent trials in African countries that seem to show that being circumcised can help prevent giving a partner HIV.

How does that work? It's the fluids shooting out that cause the disease, not the little flap of skin..???

Maybe is special African AIDS.


Can we change the subject? I've pictured more penises this evening than my tolerance allows. Now, orchids...

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 26 2012, 10:23 PM GMT

How does that work? It's the fluids shooting out that cause the disease, not the little flap of skin..???

can someone pass me a bucket Sick

Yuk. Had to delete my own reply to Pingl there.

Quote: Harridan @ November 26 2012, 10:26 PM GMT

I've pictured more penises this evening than my tolerance allows.

Exactly what I thought every evening when I was in the army.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 26 2012, 10:23 PM GMT

How does that work? It's the fluids shooting out that cause the disease, not the little flap of skin..???

Ach, sorry, wasn't clear- it's meant to help men not get HIV from women who have got HIV off of men, and when further intercourse occurs may prevent the spread. So basically read to me like women are being passed around but they're the dirty disease-carriers, rather than could perhaps the culture be changed where so many men don't think it's their right to f**k so many women and so many women don't think they have so few other roles than to be f**ked on demand. Obviously I'm massively generalising here, but the ongoing articles I read made me squeam every time. If anyone's that interested in the articles pm me and I'll try to find and provide the link.

Quote: zooo @ November 26 2012, 10:24 PM GMT

Maybe is special African AIDS.


Laughing out loud Is true. Just cos she's mostly absorbed in matters of hats doesnae mean she don't sometimes read the long words.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 26 2012, 10:31 PM GMT

Yuk. Had to delete my own reply to Pingl there.

I saw it you sick sick person :O Sick ;)

Quote: Pingl @ November 26 2012, 10:33 PM GMT

I saw it you sick sick person :O Sick ;)

Me too. I've had to write to TV's agony aunt Denise Robertson. :(

It's a pretty minor op with some minor health benefits when done by a surgeon and not a nurse with a pair of scissors the risks are almost none existent

It's a pretty minor op with some minor health benefits when done by a surgeon and not a nurse with a pair of scissors the risks are almost none existent

Bother, missed it >_<

Also leaver Africans Dex lives alone they haven't got bcg they need some way to pass the time

Quote: sootyj @ November 26 2012, 10:53 PM GMT

Also leaver Africans Dex lives alone they haven't got bcg they need some way to pass the time

Not a bad idea. Basic internet literacy classes for all and a cheap laptop and means of connection. Quite astonishing and heartwarming the way people use communication and information when they're given the opportunity.

So you want to go to Africa and tell them all how to live their lives and change their culture and make them be more like honky in the West? How racist are you guys?

Why don't you all go out and just join UKIP? (Oh I know, you don't want to have your children taken away by the state - that's one way of ensuring two party dominance, viva democracy!)

Quote: AJGO @ November 26 2012, 11:00 PM GMT

Not a bad idea. Basic internet literacy classes for all and a cheap laptop and means of connection. Quite astonishing and heartwarming the way people use communication and information when they're given the opportunity.

Don't work in scarf land an inn it bnlood

Quote: AJGO @ November 26 2012, 11:00 PM GMT

Not a bad idea. Basic internet literacy classes for all and a cheap laptop and means of connection. Quite astonishing and heartwarming the way people use communication and information when they're given the opportunity.

Don't work in scarf land an inn it bnlood

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