British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,072

Quote: keewik @ November 24 2012, 11:17 PM GMT

I'm 95 (or feel like it).

Your excused. The whole who shot JR thing was massive at the time, it got massive ratings. I always watched it, my Dad would sit mooning at Sue Ellen. But if I watched the old series now I'd probably cringe.

Quote: Harridan @ November 24 2012, 11:20 PM GMT

Just been on the BBC news website and the most shared page is a 'feedback' page and another is a 'thanks for your feedback' page. Has something mega-complaint-worthy happened?

Maybe someone's balls popped out of their trousers on Strictly?

Quote: zooo @ November 24 2012, 11:21 PM GMT

Maybe someone's balls popped out of their trousers on Strictly?

Brucie's truss playing up again!

Oh dear God...

ha! It's probably something that happened 2 days ago at 4am, but someone has just mentioned it on the Daily Mail website and it's made everyone retroactively indignant.

The rain here is biblical, I'm gathering up the cats and dogs and using the shed as an ark.

Same here! Can't hear any gale force winds yet though.

Quote: zooo @ November 24 2012, 11:33 PM GMT

Same here! Can't hear any gale force winds yet though.

It's not windy here either, but it sounds like there is a marching band on the roof.

Our conservatory doesn't leak. That has been confirmed this last week!

Quote: bigfella @ November 24 2012, 11:40 PM GMT

Our conservatory doesn't leak. That has been confirmed this last week!

Mine does, it runs down the clock into a saucepan, kinda ruins the whole look of the place.

A swiss TV presenter has been arrested for abusing little boys. Maybe the work in Church and TV makes a paedo out of you.

Foster children taken away from couple because their new parents belonged to UKIP. This really is the 'loony left gone mad' stuff that Sun journalists crave so badly. Putting kids in care homes and temporary accommodation because the Labour run council is a bunch of twats is pretty shoddy.

And in other news -

The insurance companies are asking the government for money so they can pay for the flood damage. Maybe I'm thick, but this sounds like even more dodgy, underhand, criminal shite from the biggest con artists going. God, I hate insurance companies.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 26 2012, 12:11 PM GMT

Foster children taken away from couple because their new parents belonged to UKIP. This really is the 'loony left gone mad' stuff that Sun journalists crave so badly. Putting kids in care homes and temporary accommodation because the Labour run council is a bunch of twats is pretty shoddy.

And in other news -

The insurance companies are asking the government for money so they can pay for the flood damage. Maybe I'm thick, but this sounds like even more dodgy, underhand, criminal shite from the biggest con artists going. God, I hate insurance companies.

Yes and Yes. How did the birthday go RC, hope you had a good time.

Quote: Pingl @ November 26 2012, 12:14 PM GMT

Yes and Yes. How did the birthday go RC, hope you had a good time.

I think the best way to describe it would be: Embarrassing middle aged bloke with Peter Pan complex creates havoc in 48 hour drink binge!

Yep, it was great. :D

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 26 2012, 12:18 PM GMT

I think the best way to describe it would be: Embarrassing middle aged bloke with Peter Pan complex creates havoc in 48 hour drink binge!

Yep, it was great. :D

That sounds like my kind of night :D :D

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