British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,069

He really goes for that poor elephant. I was expecting it more to be a negligence issue, but that guy is really vicious.

(I didn't actually look at the video. Can't watch. Am a wuss.)

It's mostly the ferocity that makes it bad, the guy is obviously hitting the elephant as hard as he possibly can.

There's nothing wussy about not wanting to watch a defenceless creature being physically abused by a sub normal mongtard

Don't blame you

Makes you wish elephants had a mouth full of sharp teeth and could bite the c**t's head off.

Yeah, pretty sadistic bastard that guy, no sense or meaning to his actions. It said on the news he claimed to be a plant for animal rights but this plea was rejected by the court...he was just a f**ker.

It should have sat on the bastard!

Then done a two ton poo on him

Drown the f**ker in dung

Oh well

We can only hope some animal libbers hunt him down and sort him out

I don't want to watch it either.
That stuff breaks my heart.

The worse thing is, it'll never forget.

I hope it tramples him.

I hope it packed its trunk and left.


Elephants are quite intelligent it might have started it when the camera S weren't running

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 23 2012, 11:35 PM GMT

I have to swear to get you to talk to me.

I have to talk to you to get you to delete your post? ;)

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ November 23 2012, 11:38 PM GMT

You know somethin "zooo"? You are one airhead f***ing knob, you seriously are. Do you know that?

Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. I guess we can all see now why I tend not to talk to you...

Oh dear...

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