Wednesday 21st November 2012 10:29am
51,287 posts
Now that's an interesting article Tony. And I completely agree that you can issolate one subject from the others. I mean rapes not ok, so child abuse is? child abuse isn't ok? ok then adult abuse is ok? Until we're left with it not being ok to mock that guy's maloderous dog with no nose. Indeed if you're on the wrong side of the don't mock line then it's explicitly ok to mock you. e.g. it's ok to mock French people because we don't mock Africans. And comedy is by it's very nature transgressive. You joke about rape because you can't talk about it.
I just wish some comedians could show a little more judgement. I means there's a massive diference between some one doing a routine of their experience of being raped. And a dickhead I saw do a routine the other day; about rape, murder and torture with the repugnant audience hooting every "edgy" refeference. I truly felt sorry for the only woman in the audience. Except he couldn't meet he unamused and unimtated glower.