Charley is a soul mamma
So bored I might..................... Page 2
Charley is a friend of everyone, black,white,red,yellow,martian. She's had em all.
Quote: Gavin @ February 1, 2008, 10:50 PMCharley is a soul mamma
I saw a few "sole mammas" recently, when I was indulging in MILF foot fetish porn.
Quote: frostyboy @ February 1, 2008, 11:06 PMI saw a few "sole mammas" recently, when I was indulging in MILF foot fetish porn.
So you like feet. I have a twelve inch ruler you could have. Only one foot, you could think of it as Heather Mills.
Quote: Ray Dawson @ February 1, 2008, 11:12 PMSo you like feet. I have a twelve inch ruler you could have. Only one foot, you could think of it as Heather Mills.
It depends whether your twelve inch ruler is a gold-digging slut, or just a regular slut.
You're bored, I'm a bloody insomniac - gone 3.30am!
Quote: fatbloke @ February 2, 2008, 3:37 AMYou're bored, I'm a bloody insomniac - gone 3.30am!
Well its 4:04am now so i guess I win \o/
no you don't
Apparently there are 5 of us left standing. I can only see you and Tuumble though. It's a bit like being left in the office when everyone else has gone home.
Who are the other 2 though?
Quote: ian_w @ February 2, 2008, 4:10 AMWho are the other 2 though?
I think they are ghosts or something. And i still win was just watching Sopranos
Quote: frostyboy @ February 1, 2008, 7:33 PMI had no idea that you were a wanker.
You surprise me.
You worry me.
You and me. Used to be together. Every day together. Alllllllllllllways
........Get my husband to do his weekly dog poop clearing, 3 days early.
Quote: Charley @ February 2, 2008, 5:50 PM........Get my husband to do his weekly dog poop clearing, 3 days early.
What? Does he have to clear up after you?