British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,053

We - rightfully, in my opinion - accuse Muslims of being reactionary when they go bonkers if the Koran gets burnt.
Then we arrest a bloke for posting pictures of a burning poppy.
Get a grip.
I remember as a callow youth wearing the white poppy - which at the time, though not particularly liked, was tolerated.
I'd probably get lynched now.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 12 2012, 11:15 AM GMT

I remember as a callow youth wearing the white poppy - which at the time, though not particularly liked, was tolerated.
I'd probably get lynched now.

I've had friends who experimented with the white poppy at one time or another. They all failed to realise that the red poppy is also anti-war and I know that the money raised goes to retired and injured soldiers.

I have no idea where the white poppy money goes - can someone in the know please tell me how the cash is spent?

I experminted with the white poppy and spent 6 months in drug rehab.

The red poppy is a noble charity, where the money goes to good causes.
It's a damned shame it's such a victim of tabloid hysteria; with presenters alternately being lynched for not wearing it or wearing poppies so massive Lady Ga Ga would consider them ostentatious.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 12 2012, 11:15 AM GMT

We - rightfully, in my opinion - accuse Muslims of being reactionary when they go bonkers if the Koran gets burnt.
Then we arrest a bloke for posting pictures of a burning poppy.
Get a grip.
I remember as a callow youth wearing the white poppy - which at the time, though not particularly liked, was tolerated.
I'd probably get lynched now.

There is a lot pompous self rightous bluster about at the moment, mostly used to cover up the morally dubious beliefs of those who shout loudest. This country has become very fond of moral outrage and indignation over things that should be a matter of opinion or belief. Freedom of speech is now only tolerable if you agree with those who set the moral tone. Freedom is a concept that seems to have been subverted into freedom to think what we think. Of course they don't like the plebs having platforms to express any views on any subject, freedom of speech surely must mean freedom to express views even if those views are stupid, ill informed etc You cannot have a partial freedom?

Actually now you think about it, it's become part of the back our troops what ever. Even if it means sending them poorly equipped into yet another pointless, aimless conflict.

When the original meaning was far more war is shit and should be avoided.

Quote: sootyj @ November 12 2012, 11:22 AM GMT

with presenters alternately being lynched for not wearing it or wearing poppies so massive Lady Ga Ga would consider them ostentatious.

If we had a proper government that looked after the men and women it sent to war on it's behalf, then there wouldn't be a need to buy poppys at all.

But the 'cult' of the poppy is truly frightening and to not wear one 'on da telly' is tantamount to treason.

Blinged poppys are worse then not wearing one IMHO. They've turned a noble cause into a fashion accessory.

I've somehow got a knitted one.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 12 2012, 11:15 AM GMT

We - rightfully, in my opinion - accuse Muslims of being reactionary when they go bonkers if the Koran gets burnt.
Then we arrest a bloke for posting pictures of a burning poppy.
Get a grip.
I remember as a callow youth wearing the white poppy - which at the time, though not particularly liked, was tolerated.
I'd probably get lynched now.

The thing that gets on my wick is it's at most a couple of dozen Muslims who have to aims.

1 Get publicity
2 Embarass more assimilated Muslims.

The tabloids achieve this for them.


There are far more Muslims serving the military than burning poppies. And more to the point the poppies they burn they had to pay for. So heck it's a donation to charity.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 11:26 AM GMT

If we had a proper government that looked after the men and women it sent to war on it's behalf, then there wouldn't be a need to buy poppys at all.

But the 'cult' of the poppy is truly frightening and to not wear one 'on da telly' is tantamount to treason.

Blinged poppys are worse then not wearing one IMHO. They've turned a noble cause into a fashion accessory.

Who was the dimbo who wore one made out of rubies?

Or Help for Heroes probably one of the UK's most succesful charities. Who exist because the government just isn't doing enough.

And ergo draining money from other good causes.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 12 2012, 11:20 AM GMT

I've had friends who experimented with the white poppy at one time or another. They all failed to realise that the red poppy is also anti-war and I know that the money raised goes to retired and injured soldiers.

I have no idea where the white poppy money goes - can someone in the know please tell me how the cash is spent?

That's why I used the word 'callow'.
I now think it was a silly idea.
But it was at least legitimate to take an alternative position on 'our boys' back then.
No chance now - we've all turned into Jim Davidson.

The very thing that many of the people we are honouring by wearing a poppy were fighting for is being eroded by a kind of moral prescription on personal beliefs. To be forced to wear a poppy is to negate any meaning in the poppy.

Abu C**tada appears to have dodged a bullet again - won his appeal against deportation...

Quote: Lazzard @ November 12 2012, 12:11 PM GMT

Abu C**tada

I love that song in the Lion King

Why wouldn't Entwistle get a pay off, all these other wankers who have f**ked up everything got a payoff, MP's squeeze every penny they can get out of the system, good luck to him, take the money and run George!

I don't know why the automatic response to any screw up is for everyone to resign. Sometimes the person who was in charge was the best person to be in charge, but some twat down the line has screwed it up. Resign if your mismanagement has actually caused the problem and you can't rectify it, otherwise clear up the mess and prove you deserved your salary in the first place.

Quote: Harridan @ November 12 2012, 1:09 PM GMT

I don't know why the automatic response to any screw up is for everyone to resign. Sometimes the person who was in charge was the best person to be in charge, but some twat down the line has screwed it up. Resign if your mismanagement has actually caused the problem and you can't rectify it, otherwise clear up the mess and prove you deserved your salary in the first place.

But people love a scapegoat, they'd rather just chop heads rather than leave the most qualified person to actually get to the root of the problem.Eeverything is about gestures now, how they all love the fog of bureaucracy, the real issue is endemic child abuse, but that is too uncomfortable for to many people to face.

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