British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,052

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 11 2012, 3:53 PM GMT

Oh yes, remember when ITV used to show the Professionals, the Sweeny, Space 1999...Zzzzzz'

You need ITV4.

Now all I need is a bag of spangles and a can of Party 7 and the last 40 years never need happen.

The Sun front page today:


And a year ago:



Comparing the sun to the BBC is like comparing oranges and apples.

If the apples were fetid balls of zombie shit.

Quote: sootyj @ November 11 2012, 7:59 PM GMT

Comparing the sun to the BBC is like comparing oranges and apples.

If the apples were fetid balls of zombie shit.

It's fair comment to point out the two front covers. I'm not comparing The Sun to the BBC. It's just further evidence of the cesspit that is that 'newspaper'.

Quote: sootyj @ November 11 2012, 7:59 PM GMT

Comparing the sun to the BBC is like comparing oranges and apples.

If the apples were fetid balls of zombie shit.

Hear hear hear hear


Quote: lofthouse @ November 11 2012, 8:01 PM GMT

Hear hear hear hear


Which my post was not actually doing.

Chris Jeffries got a massive payout for that hatchet job.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 11 2012, 8:05 PM GMT

Chris Jeffries got a massive payout for that hatchet job.

And so he should, but that's not really pertinent.

I couldn't be friends with anyone that buys the Sun

Says a lot about a person that

I.e they are a tosser

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 11 2012, 8:01 PM GMT

It's fair comment to point out the two front covers. I'm not comparing The Sun to the BBC. It's just further evidence of the cesspit that is that 'newspaper'.

I think the Sun is evicence of the fate that awaits TV news if the BBC finally goes tits up.

And Sky et al no longer have to pay nice (andthat's not mentioning Press TV or Russian News).

But the BBC has a limitless access to the airwaves, a huge budget, no investors or advertisers to please. As well as being able to attract almost all the talent.

So sorry but it's never going to have comparable treatment to its brother broadcasters/

Quote: lofthouse @ November 11 2012, 8:08 PM GMT

I couldn't be friends with anyone that buys the Sun

Says a lot about a person that

I.e they are a tosser

....I like Frankie Boyles column on a Friday.

Any one going to use that?

Quote: sootyj @ November 11 2012, 8:14 PM GMT

So sorry but it's never going to have comparable treatment to its brother broadcasters/

Who are you apologising to? My post was just pointing out that Papers massive hypocrasy.

What's happening is that the newspapers are getting their revenge for the BBC's coverage of the hacking scandal. I remember at the time the Daily Mail getting in a tizz over the amount of time Newsnight spent on the scandal. Now it's payback time.

Precisely. Entwhistle's resignation has nothing to do with journalistic standards and everything to do with Murdoch & co's agenda to dismantle the BBC.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 11 2012, 11:44 PM GMT

Precisely. Entwhistle's resignation has nothing to do with journalistic standards and everything to do with Murdoch & co's agenda to dismantle the BBC.

Yes, I know. You would hope most people realised this.

The whole BBC will have resigned by tomorrow, even as we speak the Mr Tumble has taken full editorial responsibility for all newsnight reports since 1971. Grandad Tumble is pulling his finger nails out with rusty pliers as a punishment. Typical blase bloody BBC!

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