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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,050

Brian Cant is chairing the next season of Question Time, you have to pick a window and then answer a question from Big Ted.

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 12:48 PM GMT

Brian Cant is chairing the next season of Question Time, you have to pick a window and then answer a question from Big Ted.

Are they going to have a rocket/flower clock that spins around has a little depiction of a politcal story?

CIA Director and former General David Petraeus has had to resign from his post over an extra-marital affair.

Maybe I have lax morals, but I've never understood why capable people who are good at their job have to resign for having an affair.

I know people will bring up matters of trust, but I'd rather have a politician or civil servant that played away from home, then one who was monogamous but financially or politically corrupt.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 10 2012, 12:13 PM GMT

CIA Director and former General David Petraeus has had to resign from his post over an extra-marital affair.

Maybe I have lax morals, but I've never understood why capable people who are good at their job have to resign for having an affair.

I know people will bring up matters of trust, but I'd rather have a politician or civil servant that played away from home, then one who was monogamous but financially or politically corrupt.

Because we live in a pompous, judgemental world laden with hypocricy and double standards?

Quote: Pingl @ November 10 2012, 12:17 PM GMT

Because we live in a pompous, judgemental world laden with hypocricy and double standards?

What I never understand is that the married person is always villified as some sort of evil, betraying sex monster but the other party in the affair is always treated as a blameless victim. Even if they were the primary instigator of the affair and acted in a predatory manner with no regard for how the affair would effect the spouses and families involved.

It gets even more bizarre when the high powered person loses their job, income, family, etc. and the mistress / toyboy / whatever makes a ton of cash doing a kiss and tell, appearing on television shows, being in celebrity mags, attending photoshoots, etc.

I think we're rewarding immoral behaviour.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 10 2012, 12:27 PM GMT

What I never understand is that the married person is always villified as some sort of evil, betraying sex monster but the other party in the affair is always treated as a blameless victim. Even if they were the primary instigator of the affair and acted in a predatory manner with no regard for how the affair would effect the spouses and families involved.

It gets even more bizarre when the high powered person loses their job, income, family, etc. and the mistress / toyboy / whatever makes a ton of cash doing a kiss and tell, appearing on television shows, being in celebrity mags, attending photoshoots, etc.

I think we're rewarding immoral behaviour.

People love scandal. Never underestimate the base level the human being works from. No one shouts moral outrage louder than the moral hypocrite. If most celebrities, politicians, authority figures, church leaders etc are moving their mouths, you can be sure they are lying or hiding their own moral laxity behind a barrage of bluster

Cheaters are scum, but unless trustworthiness or family values or whatever has something specifically to do with their job I don't know why they should resign.

Quote: zooo @ November 10 2012, 12:34 PM GMT

Cheaters are scum, but unless trustworthiness or family values or whatever has something specifically to do with their job I don't know why they should resign.

Some cheaters are scum, some are in unhappy relationships they are to cowardly to get out of, some are cheating despite their better natures, life is complicated and layered. I am lucky I have a wife I love and want to be with forever, not everyone is that fortunate, people make mistakes.

Nah, if you're cheating you're a c**t. I think that's a pretty fair statement! If you want out of a relationship, there are many non-c**t ways of doing it. If you choose not to, whether it's down to cowardliness or whatever, I'm afraid you have to accept your c**tiness. :)

Quote: zooo @ November 10 2012, 12:34 PM GMT

Cheaters are scum, but unless trustworthiness or family values or whatever has something specifically to do with their job I don't know why they should resign.

Bill Clinton blows his wad on a fat chick's dress - impeach him!

George Bush kills 300,000 Iraqs - let's have a parade!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 10 2012, 12:39 PM GMT

Bill Clinton blows his wad on a fat chick's dress - impeach him!

George Bush kills 300,000 Iraqs - let's have a parade!


Quote: zooo @ November 10 2012, 12:39 PM GMT

Nah, if you're cheating you're a c**t. I think that's a pretty fair statement! If you want out of a relationship, there are many non-c**t ways of doing it. If you choose not to, whether it's down to cowardliness or whatever, I'm afraid you have to accept your c**tiness. :)

And they will and have, but as I said life is complex, relationships are complex, it would not really be my place to judge unless I was involved directly. Many of friends who have been cheated on have got out of a bad relationship and in the end see it as godsend. No one is perfect, who knows how anybody would act given certain circumstances

Quote: zooo @ November 10 2012, 12:39 PM GMT

Nah, if you're cheating you're a c**t. I think that's a pretty fair statement! If you want out of a relationship, there are many non-c**t ways of doing it. If you choose not to, whether it's down to cowardliness or whatever, I'm afraid you have to accept your c**tiness. :)

Hmmm, this is a toughie. As Pingl has pointed out, there are all sorts of different situations and circumstances that cause someone to play away. But as zooo points out, cheating on someone you supposedly love is horrible.

I don't think you'd need to confess and end a long term loving relationship because you slipped up once and had a drunken one night stand. Others may think differently.

You're all forgetting that marriage is also a commitment to God. This is a three-way deal, people!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 10 2012, 12:48 PM GMT

You're all forgetting that marriage is also a commitment to God. This is a three-way deal, people!

Then he can pay for the kids after I've fooked off with the work experience girl. Sorted.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 10 2012, 12:48 PM GMT

You're all forgetting that marriage is also a commitment to God. This is a three-way deal, people!

Surely it is only a threesome if you f**k a nun?

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