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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,049

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 8 2012, 11:39 PM GMT

Cameron gets incredibly flummoxed whenever he's thrown a left field question out of the blue - whether it be about Europe, paedophiles or pasties. Thinking on his feet and adapting to new situations is definitely not his strong point - which is a shame as he's the leader of our country at the moment.


Dave, imho, gave a fully comprehensive answer to the question and came across like a man in control of the situation.

Schofield showed him a list of all his closeted gay mates that any muppet could have found on the webs and Cameron, rightly, politely told him to f**k off.

(And not just the closeted ones. Let's face it, Portillo is pretty much already out.)

That's essentially what happened on This Morning yesterday.

Cameron, as much as I don't agree with most of his politics, knocked it out of the park when it came to thinking on his feet.

Quote: Pingl @ November 8 2012, 10:28 PM GMT

Schofield's list. When Cameron gets annoyed he looks like a great big red posh prat, nice to see him rattled though.

i reckon Schofield and whoever put him up to it need a stern talking to.
The names on that list are not 'public' knowledge (in the sense that the ordinary public know about them) and take more that three minutes to find.
You need to know where to look ie barmy conspiracy sites who bang on about the new world order and the Mason's etc.
By bringing them into the day-time TV arena he legitimised the ramblings of nutters.
Not good.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 9 2012, 9:29 AM GMT

i reckon Schofield and whoever put him up to it need a stern talking to.
The names on that list are not 'public' knowledge (in the sense that the ordinary public know about them) and take more that three minutes to find.
You need to know where to look ie barmy conspiracy sites who bang on about the new world order and the Mason's etc.
By bringing them into the day-time TV arena he legitimised the ramblings of nutters.
Not good.

This is typical of these types of shows, this ridiculous mix of hard news, soft news and drivel. He is just a light entertainment presenter, childrens TV broomcupboard man. Not a journalist, just a buffoon!These shows should stick to make overs and gossip, of the less salacious and contentious type

Quote: Pingl @ November 8 2012, 10:35 PM GMT

No this is the one where investigative journalist Phillip Schofield out Pilger's Pilger whilst discussing ladies problems and giving make up tips. World in Action eat your heart out!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 9 2012, 1:58 AM GMT


Dave, imho, gave a fully comprehensive answer to the question and came across like a man in control of the situation.

Yep, comparing homosexuals to paedophiles is situational control we can all fall behind.

Am I going to steam in with criticising the journalistic standards of a man who used to present children's telly with a puppet and now fronts a show all about periods, plus size bikinis and pregnant WAGs? Probably not.

At least he did three minutes worth of research and seeing comments elsewhere on the Internet that Schofiled shouldn't have used the Internet as the Internet is full of ignorant fools is ironically hilarious.

So incensed was I that Schofiled found a list of names on the Internet, I went on the Internet so I could watch the This Morning clip. I then did my best to see if I could make out any of the names on Schofields list and then asked other Internet users if they could make out any of the names, because the human race is a moronic bunch of f**k nuts.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 9 2012, 10:39 AM GMT

Yep, comparing homosexuals to paedophiles is situational control we can all fall behind.

Am I going to steam in with criticising the journalistic standards of a man who used to present children's telly with a puppet and now fronts a show all about periods, plus size bikinis and pregnant WAGs? Probably not.

At least he did three minutes worth of research and seeing comments elsewhere on the Internet that Schofiled shouldn't have used the Internet as the Internet is full of ignorant fools is ironically hilarious.

So incensed was I that Schofiled found a list of names on the Internet, I went on the Internet so I could watch the This Morning clip. I then did my best to see if I could make out any of the names on Schofields list and then asked other Internet users if they could make out any of the names, because the human race is a moronic bunch of f**k nuts.

Very true, this will do Schofield no harm in the long run, unless someone sues the puppet puncher.

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 10:05 AM GMT

This is typical of these types of shows, this ridiculous mix of hard news, soft news and drivel. He is just a light entertainment presenter, childrens TV broomcupboard man. Not a journalist, just a buffoon!These shows should stick to make overs and gossip, of the less salacious and contentious type

True, but if politicians side-step Snow and Paxman but find time to do soft fluffy interviews on tabloid television they deserve all they get.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 9 2012, 10:39 AM GMT

Yep, comparing homosexuals to paedophiles is situational control we can all fall behind.

This is what teh arse Tatchell is accussing him of. What happened is that Scofield presented him with a list of prominent gay Tories, and Cameron made the point that the paedophile scare is turning into a witchhunt against gay people in public life, which it is.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 9 2012, 11:08 AM GMT

True, but if politicians side-step Snow and Paxman but find time to do soft fluffy interviews on tabloid television they deserve all they get.

This is what teh arse Tatchell is accussing him of. What happened is that Scofield presented him with a list of prominent gay Tories, and Cameron made the point that the paedophile scare is turning into a witchhunt against gay people in public life, which it is.

Yea but if Schofield wants to play with the big boys and do a Paxo then he needs to be a little more professional, thorough and not just pick on anyone who's a Tory and happens to be gay. There is lazy interviewing, never mind journalism and downright stupidity. Where was the editorial control? if Schofield did this off his own bat then something is wrong, you surely don't interview the PM without checking out what your going to ask first.

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 11:27 AM GMT

Where was the editorial control? if Schofield did this off his own bat then something is wrong, you surely don't interview the PM without checking out what your going to ask first.

I am sure he discussed it with Gordon first.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 9 2012, 11:08 AM GMT

This is what teh arse Tatchell is accussing him of. What happened is that Scofield presented him with a list of prominent gay Tories, and Cameron made the point that the paedophile scare is turning into a witchhunt against gay people in public life, which it is.

This is the point.
The 'List' has a strong anti-gay, and to some extent anti-semitic agenda - all hallmarks of the 'New World Order' scare-mongers.
When David Icke starts saying " I told you so", you know you've wandered over into the Dark Side.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 9 2012, 10:39 AM GMT

Yep, comparing homosexuals to paedophiles is situational control we can all fall behind.

The point Cameron was making is that internet trolls are making that comparison.

That was pretty clear to me.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 9 2012, 11:08 AM GMT

What happened is that Scofield presented him with a list of prominent gay Tories, and Cameron made the point that the paedophile scare is turning into a witchhunt against gay people in public life, which it is.

And to Tursiops, apparently.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 9 2012, 11:39 AM GMT

I am sure he discussed it with Gordon first.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Lazzard @ November 9 2012, 11:39 AM GMT

This is the point.
The 'List' has a strong anti-gay, and to some extent anti-semitic agenda - all hallmarks of the 'New World Order' scare-mongers.
When David Icke starts saying " I told you so", you know you've wandered over into the Dark Side.

You need to be very careful when airing views of that kind on mainstream media. Its always bubbling on the fringe. I must admit, and this chokes me,Cameron was right to say what he said. You will have to forgive my childish glee at his discomfort, sometimes I can't help myself.

Yes, yes, yes . . enought of this trivia.

Let's get down to the news that really matters . .

Came across this lovely puff piece on the BBC website -

The article champions women and how their choices swung the US election in Obama's favour. They now have to be counted as a rising force in any electoral contest and politicians would be wise to curry their favour.

Yep, all well and good - except who were these chicks voting for - oh yeah, men. Both parties had all male Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

On the Republican side, the only serious female candidates before the nominations were Michelle Bachman (insane religious lady with no grasp on history or facts) and before that, Sarah Palin (insane religious, etc, etc).

Four years previously, Hilary Clinton tried to become the Democratic candidate and failed.

As for our own country, we had one female Prime Minister and since then, neither party has been keen to put up a chick as leader.

So, what has this lesson in feminism taught us? That women want to be ruled by men and are upset if we don't listen to them. Wow, things really have changed.

In our next news item - African Americans credited with the success of slavery!

Quote: Lazzard @ November 9 2012, 11:39 AM GMT

The 'List' has a strong anti-gay, and to some extent anti-semitic agenda

So you've either seen the list in question or this is all bonkers speculation that is being taken as fact?

I just like that fact that I can say "Philip Schofield, gay and paedophile" in the same sentence and it make sense, topically at least.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 9 2012, 12:09 PM GMT

So you've either seen the list in question or this is all bonkers speculation that is being taken as fact?

There's always a list...


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