British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,048

No this is the one where investigative journalist Phillip Schofield out Pilger's Pilger whilst discussing ladies problems and giving make up tips. World in Action eat your heart out!

Cameron gets incredibly flummoxed whenever he's thrown a left field question out of the blue - whether it be about Europe, paedophiles or pasties. Thinking on his feet and adapting to new situations is definitely not his strong point - which is a shame as he's the leader of our country at the moment.

Makes you realise what a smooth and effortless politician old Tony was.

He's better on telly than I would be. I would stutter, cry and run off.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 8 2012, 11:39 PM GMT

Cameron gets incredibly flummoxed whenever he's thrown a left field question out of the blue - whether it be about Europe, paedophiles or pasties. Thinking on his feet and adapting to new situations is definitely not his strong point - which is a shame as he's the leader of our country at the moment.

He certainly seems to fluster easily, I can't really get a line on him, what kind of Tory is he, wet, dry, what? He reminds me a little of Wilson for some reason, in love with being in power, but without any clear idea of what to do with it.

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:41 PM GMT

Makes you realise what a smooth and effortless politician old Tony was.

The greatest media manipulator ever

He was a genius and I think history will remember him better, when his shrill left wing critics are all dead.

Quote: zooo @ November 8 2012, 11:42 PM GMT

He's better on telly than I would be. I would stutter, cry and run off.

If I had to go on This Morning, I'd do a Kerry Katona, stagger on pissed off my nut before looking at Hilly Wallaby and drunkenly muttering 'fookin' hell Judy, you've brushed up well' before vomiting on Jilly Goolden.

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:45 PM GMT

He was a genius and I think history will remember him better, when his shrill left wing critics are all dead.

Unfortunately like Lloyd George he may remain tarnished, perhaps unfairly.

Well you've practised doing that watching the show often enough.

Quote: Pingl @ November 8 2012, 11:47 PM GMT

Unfortunately like Lloyd George he may remain tarnished, perhaps unfairly.

Lloyd George? What is this? Quantum Leap?

And I'll think you'll find he likes to be called George O'Dowd these days. Hrumph!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 8 2012, 11:52 PM GMT

Lloyd George? What is this? Quantum Leap?

And I'll think you'll find he likes to be called George O'Dowd these days. Hrumph!

Boy George knew my Father! A little joke for the older ones amongst us

Quote: Pingl @ November 8 2012, 11:55 PM GMT

Boy George knew my Father! A little joke for the older ones amongst us

To the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers ?

Quote: Pingl @ November 8 2012, 11:55 PM GMT

Boy George knew my Father! A little joke for the older ones amongst us

That deserves a standing booyah and a salute.

Mitt Romaney? Well I'm glad they kept a gypsy out of the white house, he'd have stolen all of Americas lawn mowers. Allowed his caravan living relatives to move into Yellowstone and started WW3 by beating up Almajilabad in a bare knuckle brawl in a field.

Quote: sootyj @ November 9 2012, 12:40 AM GMT

That deserves a standing booyah and a salute.

Mitt Romaney? Well I'm glad they kept a gypsy out of the white house, he'd have stolen all of Americas lawn mowers. Allowed his caravan living relatives to move into Yellowstone and started WW3 by beating up Almajilabad in a bare knuckle brawl in a field.

'You are Renegade Carpark and I claim my five pounds!'

Dear me . . . .

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