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Doctor Who... Page 901

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:32 PM GMT

I mean it's compared perhaps unfairly to shows like Enterprise. Which can have massive space fleets slugging it out, with 5 diferent fully realised CGI alien races.

Whilst Dr Who is still sticking helmets with masks on half the aliens. Because prosthetic masks are expensive and some one's still got to feed Will Iam's his diamond filled M&ms.

That it still outperforms most of it's rivals on a regular basis is impressive (well except the last 2 series of Pond Life)

With the excpetion of the ridiculous effects Doomwatch was probably better than the Xfiles.

That said it had an awful channel 5 remake.

Did 5 do a remake? missed that, Doomwatch was great, not the film though, very slow. I always remember the melting plastic episode, properly freaked me out when I was a nipper.

Oi lay off O'Brien Colm Meaney is a fabulous actor. And when they allowed him a couple of episodes he just acted the sets to pieces.

Riker was kinda fun. And where as Troi may have been a terrible character, she had a couple of impressive assetts.

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:38 PM GMT

Oi lay off O'Brien Colm Meaney is a fabulous actor.

Yes he is, but most of his episodes revolved around his relationship with his moany Jap bint Kenko (sic) and were dull as ditch water.

Except the episode where Kenko had to give birth during a ship wide power outage and Worf had to be the midwife - that was beyond aces.

Keiko was awful, but that was a fabulous episode. And poor Picard had to get those kids up a Jeffrys tube (this open goal open to all who want it).

The episode where it turns out Miles was actually the John Rambo of the Cardassian war and he sang a song was also great.

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:44 PM GMT

Keiko was awful, but that was a fabulous episode. And poor Picard had to get those kids up a Jeffrys tube (this open goal open to all who want it).

I remember that episode now, he nicknamed one of the children Number One and when he said it on the bridge at the end, both Ryker and the kid responded. Really touching stuff.

Is that the same episode that started with the kids and Captain Picard Day? - Because that was hilarious.

Yup one of the things I liked was, they felt like a crew not a bunch of numpties in space.

It was only in the final episode Picard joined the senior staff for their poker game.

How about taking all this Chelsea boot Star Trek bollocks into a separate thread. This is Doctor Who, you cocktwats.

Quote: Badhead @ November 8 2012, 11:21 PM GMT

Bring back Eric Saward

He lives two doors down with me (really), I'll run it past him. (I won't) He's rebuilding his garden wall at the moment, fact fans.

Quote: sootyj @ November 8 2012, 11:26 PM GMT

STNG has been repeated endlessly on the cable channels and yet I can always watch Worf kebbabing some traitorous Klingon whilst all the other Klingons shout, or Picard bitch slapping Wesley, or just crying in a field with his brother because he couldn't stop the Borg.

Still aimed at a slightly differnt audience though. Who is supposed to skew towards a younger audience than Trek, Buffy or any other show you might try and comapre it with.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ November 8 2012, 10:45 PM GMT

For me Ecclestons Season was a bit ruined by the Bad Wolf reveal & the lets just magically wipe everything out to fix things.

Billie Pipers omnipresence eventually caused Torchwood Miracle day as well, and for that I can't forgive.

And ofcourse, Moffat re-booted the Universe in series 6!!! What a joke!!!

If the Doctor never existed how could Amy remember him??? This is stupid, lazy writing. Moffat is a fool how never admits when he's wrong!

Quote: Charlie Boy @ November 9 2012, 9:24 AM GMT

And ofcourse, Moffat re-booted the Universe in series 6!!! What a joke!!!

If the Doctor never existed how could Amy remember him??? This is stupid, lazy writing. Moffat is a fool how never admits when he's wrong!

He travelled through time, implanting traces of himself in her memory, because then if she remembered him, he had to have existed. Which you either buy or think is silly, I suppose.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 9 2012, 9:29 AM GMT

He travelled through time, implanting traces of himself in her memory, because then if she remembered him, he had to have existed. Which you either buy or think is silly, I suppose.

How could he implant traces of himself if he never existed???

And Series 7, the Doctor exists but not on ANY computer database, or Dalek memory! Its getting farcical.

Quote: Charlie Boy @ November 9 2012, 9:34 AM GMT

How could he implant traces of himself if he never existed???

Ach; something about nothing that once existed ever vanishing completley; so if he implanted traces if himself in her subconscious, perhaps something might linger and be able to be drawn out. It's one of those fantasy ideas that some will be fine with, others will think is silly.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 9 2012, 9:39 AM GMT

Ach; something about nothing that once existed ever vanishing completley; so if he implanted traces if himself in her subconscious, perhaps something might linger and be able to be drawn out. It's one of those fantasy ideas that some will be fine with, others will think is silly.

I yearn for a straight forward story!

Quote: Charlie Boy @ November 9 2012, 9:42 AM GMT

I yearn for a straight forward story!

Ditto, bloody story arcs that are patchy at best!

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 9:46 AM GMT

Ditto, bloody story arcs that are patchy at best!

There were no big story arcs in the latest series half.

Not that there's anything wrong with a well done story arc. Can be very satisfying.

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