British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,046

To be fair to RC I don't find his opinions particularly deranged, and some views expressed on this board are deranged. He has an opinion that he puts forward coherently, I don't agree with him on the whole, but do occasionally. The board would be a lot duller without them. Oh my God I'm defending the dark side! Sick

RCP should be careful, now Obama Bin Laden has won a second term he'll be droning everyone who disagrees with him into mince.

And I bet he's on a kill list, near the top with pink higlighter and sparkles.

Probably just after Billy Bragg.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 7 2012, 9:41 AM GMT

It's the way he puts them across that puts some peoples backs up most of the time, I would guess, rather than the actual point being made (Though often it's both!)

There is nothing wrong with being an agent provocateur, sometimes shaking things up is the best way to get people thinking.

I don't think he's an agent provocateur.

Anyway, Obama can't have won, I'm pretty sure Dabutt guaranteed it ages ago.

Great now I'm picturing RCP in agent provocateur lingerie

thats my self abuse ruined for a week

hope you're wearing a BADGE of pride.

Quote: Badge @ November 7 2012, 9:45 AM GMT

I don't think he's an agent provocateur.

Anyway, Obama can't have won, I'm pretty sure Dabutt guaranteed it ages ago.

Oh? I think he sets out to be provacative, but if the fish take the bait its the fish at fault. Does that make any sense at all! Anyway at least what he says makes some sense, some of the lunitic fringe nonsense that gets espoused here is so mental as to be well...very mental

Quote: Pingl @ November 7 2012, 9:53 AM GMT

Oh? I think he sets out to be provacative, but if the fish take the bait its the fish at fault. Does that make any sense at all! Anyway at least what he says makes some sense, some of the lunitic fringe nonsense that gets espoused here is so mental as to be well...very mental

Oh I see its some kind of clothing line, I shall go back to my bathchair and have a nice cup of tea

RC I hope you realise your being defended by a liberal pinko here. Don't thank me that's my job ;)

Quote: Pingl @ November 7 2012, 11:06 AM GMT

RC I hope you realise your being defended by a liberal pinko here. Don't thank me that's my job ;)

Thank you Pingl - you Northern whippet shagging commie. ;) :P

Even though a lot of people don't realise it, I do deliberately write things to challenge pre-conceptions and spark debate on purpose.

However, when you are dealing with the dogmatically inclined, they make grand but false assumptions and contiunally attempt to assassinate my character instead of tackling the issues.

Typical conversation -

'I don't like coffee'

'That must mean you like tea! How can you prefer tea to coffee, you warmongering, right wing, racist, sexist, etc., etc.'

'I don't like tea either'

'But you said you don't like coffee, so you must like tea, can't you see the flaw in your argument?!!'


See, you're doing it again! You probably don't even realise you're doing it, it's become instinctive.

I should know better than to enter this thread, to be fair.

You'll probably never really be appreciated untill after your death, RC. It's what happens to all the great ones.

Quote: Badge @ November 7 2012, 12:43 PM GMT

See, you're doing it again!

I am very consistent. It's one of things that makes me so loveable. Lovey

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 7 2012, 12:43 PM GMT

You'll probably never really be appreciated untill after your death, RC. It's what happens to all the great ones.

Like Van Gogh, Herman Melville and the late, great Sir Jimmy Savile?

I did enjoy Donald Trump calling for everyone to march on Washington to stop these disgraceful events. I've said it before but he would have made an entertaining president.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 7 2012, 12:01 PM GMT

Thank you Pingl - you Northern whippet shagging commie. ;) :P

My pleasure, but I'm just lulling you into a false sense of security, when your not looking I shall pounce with all the accuracy of a panther...Oooh my back...I think I'll go and feed the pidgeons to the Whippets :)

Slow news day in Wolverhampton . . .


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