British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,043

Can't believe we haven't discussed this in depth yet. Reggie Perrin having a tommy tank as an 18 year old lad is raped in the BBC. And being raped in the BBC is the most painful kind.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 5 2012, 10:00 PM GMT

And being raped in the BBC is the most painful kind.

Laughing out loud "Someone touched me in the beeb!"

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 5 2012, 10:00 PM GMT

Can't believe we haven't discussed this in depth yet. Reggie Perrin having a tommy tank as an 18 year old lad is raped in the BBC. And being raped in the BBC is the most painful kind.

Yeah, funny isn't it? When it's egregious twats one doesn't like it's ok to talk about it but when one of one's heroes turns up it's more difficult . . .

I could really do with an iPad thingy but I'm short of cash, so I'm going to claim that a dead BBC star, who can't defend themselves cuz they dead, abused me.

Hmm, I'm thinking...Got it!

Blue Peter-phile -

Blue Peter's Shep molested me as a child claims the BCG's Renegade Carpark in a shocking revelation that will shake the BBC to it's very core. 'He sniffed my crotch and licked me on the Blue Peter Badge, if you catch my drift' sobbed the distraught theiving liar in a bid for free cash. 'They should dig up his gravestone in the Blue Peter garden and give me my own lifeboat from one of their appeals' whined the pathetic dishonest lowlife.

Story continues pages 2, 3, 4, Zzzzzz

Ok the guy was sexually assaulted whilst Rigsby had a wank.

Could mean.

He was looking for his car keys whilst someone snogged or pinched an actors arse.

This was on TV a couple of evenings ago and I just couldn't bear to believe it. Still hoping it's not true.

Somehow there seems a difference between a rigorous journalistic investigation revealing a pattern of behaviour, and lurid accusations against random celebrities from unnamed, but presumably handsomely paid, sources.

Quote: Tursiops @ November 5 2012, 10:40 PM GMT

Somehow there seems a difference between a rigorous journalistic investigation revealing a pattern of behaviour, and lurid accusations against random celebrities from unnamed, but presumably handsomely paid, sources.

The dead can't sue. Tomorrows headline in the sun, Wilson keppel and Betty in sordid threesome storm.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 5 2012, 10:00 PM GMT

Can't believe we haven't discussed this in depth yet. Reggie Perrin having a tommy tank as an 18 year old lad is raped in the BBC. And being raped in the BBC is the most painful kind.

I thought the same thing after I made, I think, the first reference here. Maybe everyone here apart from us has some vested interest in matters being overlooked?


To think that all the time he was sniffing round Miss Jones' - probing and checking for damp, he was probably more interested in Philip and Alan's arrears.

In light of the recent news of the cover up in Wales can we all pick on politicians the way they've been picking on the BBC!

It would also be helpful if we could draw some sort of distinction between raping a comatose 12 year old mental patient and pinching a girl's arse at an office party.
The paper's are going mental.
Solicitors will soon be running TV ads asking "Ever been leered at by somone vaguely famous?" - no win, no fee!

Quote: Brian Bickerstaffe @ November 6 2012, 7:20 AM GMT

I thought the same thing after I made, I think, the first reference here. Maybe everyone here apart from us has some vested interest in matters being overlooked?


Seems to me to be a slight difference between the overwhelming amount of evidence against the recently deceased Saville, the scale of his behaviour, and this single claim against a man who has been dead for almost thirty years.

Quote: Lazzard @ November 6 2012, 11:40 AM GMT

It would also be helpful if we could draw some sort of distinction between raping a comatose 12 year old mental patient and pinching a girl's arse at an office party.
The paper's are going mental.
Solicitors will soon be running TV ads asking "Ever been leered at by somone vaguely famous?" - no win, no fee!

Well quite, it's a moral panic.

Quote: sootyj @ November 6 2012, 12:02 PM GMT

Well quite, it's a moral panic.

Who is actually in a panic though? It's made up Newspaper panic.

That's where it starts/

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