British Comedy Guide

PC Brigade.


We see an overweight middle-aged skinhead wearing a football top, staring at a computer screen.

We see a pile of sitcom and sketch show Betamax tapes on the side table.

We see an older woman enter.

WOMAN: Have you got any dirty clothes that need doing, dear? And what do you want for your tea?

MAN: Not now Mum. I'm busy.


This is brilliant, what type of footy top has the fat baldy feller got? and what did he end up having for his tea?

love the concept!

:D Maybe He could strip off, eyes never leaving computer, and fling stuff on mothers head? Intreaging!

fab! can he have Love & Hate tattoos on his knuckles and a tat down the side of his face. oooooh please, please.

Betamax :) It's funny.

Did I imagine a Brian Sewell sketch from yourself Stylee? I wanted to read it again, (I'm a Sewell fan) but it seems to have disappeared.

Is this a beta joke or a meta joke?

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ November 2 2012, 4:19 PM GMT

This is brilliant

Quote: Outqube @ November 3 2012, 9:15 PM GMT

love the concept!

Quote: Charley @ November 4 2012, 12:47 PM GMT


Quote: AngieBaby @ November 4 2012, 7:43 PM GMT

Betamax :) It's funny.

I seem to be the only one who has no idea why this is funny.

I am not sure either, but I think it has something to do with cyber bullying

It's funny because only losers bought Betamax, if he'd been watching VHS the sketch would be dead in the water. It also implies he's busy watching sitcoms from around the late 70's - early 80's so is even more of a nerd than still living at home would imply. I think. One of you losers can put me right if not.

Still don't get the joke, sorry.

;) My son was sat at his computer in pyjamas and hoody- I asked him if he wanted something to eat, He replied; '' Christ you old faggot- you know what I bloody like- stop nagging and f**kin get it made!'....

An everyday story of Townsfolk.

Glad I'm not the only who didn't understand either the joke, or the gushing praise it received!

I don't get this either.He's a nerdy, football fan who lives with his Mum and...

Thank God I thought I was going mad!

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