British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,039

Ever tried a commercial station? Absolute 80s and Classic Gold aint bad/

I hated just about everything about the 80s, particularly the music, but also including my own life. Waking up and being fooled into thinking it was still 1983 might just push me over the edge.

I had no time for the chart sounds of the 80s, but find it interesting to listen now to what have often become quite obscure acts from 30 years ago. But not too often. There's so many radio stations online that you don't need to suffer what DAB offers.

Gawd bless him he may be an oaf butthat's won my vote!

Quote: sootyj @ November 2 2012, 12:14 PM GMT

Gawd bless him he may be an oaf butthat's won my vote!

If that's true then I'm going to petition Parliament to have your franchise removed.

I hate bloody Chris Evans and all of the brain dead wittering cretins that make up breakfast radio, endlessly expressing opinions of such laboured and incessant cheerfulness that I want to make them all drown in their own spittal. I tried five live but is news light and I wanted to smash Nikkie Campbell's face in with some sharp toast after ten minutes. Gone back to the today programme although they too are pompous arses, but at least they do make some sense. Bring back Wogan ,witty, intelligent, meandering and most of all relaxed. unlike all the morons on now who have to try so hard to achieve so little. I never listen to radio one my eardrums bleed easily and I actually like to be able to think in the morning without being bombarded by a facile twat in a bad hair do.

Wogan was a pro, still is, but I do enjoy Chris Evans mainly because I believe he is my musical soulmate Smarmy

My musical soulmate was Bert Kaempfert.... Swingin' safari anyone? :$

Quote: Pingl @ November 2 2012, 5:05 PM GMT

I hate bloody Chris Evans and all of the brain dead wittering cretins that make up breakfast radio, endlessly expressing opinions of such laboured and incessant cheerfulness that I want to make them all drown in their own spittal. I tried five live but is news light and I wanted to smash Nikkie Campbell's face in with some sharp toast after ten minutes. Gone back to the today programme although they too are pompous arses, but at least they do make some sense. Bring back Wogan ,witty, intelligent, meandering and most of all relaxed. unlike all the morons on now who have to try so hard to achieve so little. I never listen to radio one my eardrums bleed easily and I actually like to be able to think in the morning without being bombarded by a facile twat in a bad hair do.

Let's have it right.

They're all c*nts.

But are they less rapey than DJs of an earlier era?

I bet smashy and nicey were well rapey

Not arf mate

Quote: sootyj @ November 2 2012, 5:44 PM GMT

But are they less rapey than DJs of an earlier era?

Thats the burning question. In my humble opinion - probably yes they are less rapey. But, on the other hand, more c*nty.

What if they're both?

A dj that's both c**ty and rapey


Chilling thought indeed.....

Was Leonard Rossiter ever a dj?

The Devil must have important work for this divvy in the future:

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