British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,038

Quote: sootyj @ November 1 2012, 10:43 AM GMT

They should really take her kids away and have them brought up by Asians.

What absolute scum and you know that she deliberately got up the stick before the court trial to avoid prison. And yes, if you have several convictions for violent conduct, then you are technically a serial thug.

But I'm sure the more liberal amongst you will attack the Daily Mail for 'labelling' this woman and totally ignore the fact she kicked an innocent person's head in and got away scott free - because for some reason, that's not a crime.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 1 2012, 12:46 PM GMT

that's not a crime.

Yes, because that's exactly what I said.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ November 1 2012, 12:46 PM GMT

What absolute scum and you know that she deliberately got up the stick before the court trial to avoid prison. And yes, if you have several convictions for violent conduct, then you are technically a serial thug.

But I'm sure the more liberal amongst you will attack the Daily Mail for 'labelling' this woman and totally ignore the fact she kicked an innocent person's head in and got away scott free - because for some reason, that's not a crime.

Do you even know who you're arguing with anymore?

I suppose technically I don't believe she's a member of a 19th century khaki worshipping death cult as featured in Indiana ones and the temple of doom.

I do think she should GOTO prison and her kids put up for adoption for theirs and societies good

Quote: Nogget @ November 1 2012, 11:48 AM GMT

It's not clear in what way she "left" her kids to kick this guy. Does the Mail think she should have held onto them? Of course the attack is outrageous, but the tone of the journalism is unnecessary. Also, she's described as "Serial thug Amanda Lowe, 26"...that's no way to describe someone. One of the problems with racist stereotyping is that they tend to conform to the label. To describe her in this way, instead of "unemployed" or whatever she is, risks it becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I think assaulting people can be considered thuggish

Doing it more than twice is a serial form of behaviour

Id describe her as being a waste of both oxygen and taxes

Quote: sootyj @ November 1 2012, 1:23 PM GMT

Do you even know who you're arguing with anymore?

I wasn't accusing you as being part of the liberal labelling, I just couldn't be bothered to quote Nogget's post as I was hungry and wanted to cook some food - rants burn calories. ;)

In other news, Comet are going under and good riddance, they are typical of the way most British companies are run into the ground by evil and idiotic management. Their stuff was always overpriced, including the so called 'sale' items, the staff were made up of minimum wage kids who couldn't tell the difference between a fridge and a PC and they didn't even try to compete with online retaillers. Currys / PC World will be next, shopping there is like having your teeth pulled.

Yes noggets comments were reminesent of a turkey voting for Christmas

Quote: sootyj @ November 1 2012, 1:23 PM GMT

I think assaulting people can be considered thuggish

Doing it more than twice is a serial form of behaviour

My point is that usually the paper describes people in terms of their main activity, such as 'Accountant', or 'Comedian,' so in calling her a serial thug, they've defined her in terms of her behaviour. Evidence suggests people conform to such labels. If you don't want her to carry on being a thug, it's counter-productive to label her as such.

I'm sorry was she a prema ballerina with the Kirov?

Nope she's a baby making machine who likes drinking in public and hitting or swearing at stuff

I suppose that would make a performance artist?

Drinking in public? :O
Disgraceful behaviour...

Liberal zooo is less convincing than Jewish aaron

Quote: Nogget @ November 1 2012, 1:52 PM GMT

My point is that usually the paper describes people in terms of their main activity, such as 'Accountant', or 'Comedian,'

I think these days Jimmy Saville tends to be referred to as paedophile rather than disc jockey.

What the hell BBC

Firms like OpCapita are filth . . .

The word genius is to often bandied about, but in the case of Danny Baker it is entirely appropriate. More fool the BBC for losing one of the true radio greats.

I think the BBC sold their soul to Terry Wogan years ago

He after all is, is satan.

I have not enjoyed waking up since Terry retired. :(

After being unable to put up with Chris Evans one day more I am now waking up to the mumbling twat on BBC6.

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