British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,037

Quote: lofthouse @ October 30 2012, 11:10 PM GMT

Disney have bought Lucasfilms

NEW Star Wars movie in 2015



Goofy will probably play jar jars brother

Ugh. Random House have just bought Penguin. At least it wasn't Murdoch's lot, but still. Ugh.

Quote: lofthouse @ October 30 2012, 11:10 PM GMT

Disney have bought Lucasfilms

NEW Star Wars movie in 2015



Goofy will probably play jar jars brother

You're irked because Lucasfilm has a recent track record of producing quality movies?

"Britain faces a choice between a generation of stagnant living standards for millions of lower-income households...according to a landmark report written by the Commission on Living Standards.... it suggests helping "the missing million" women back into the workforce by offering an extra 10 hours of childcare a week at £1 an hour, a move which would cost £2.2bn."

Why not simply pay parents to look after their own kids?

Quote: Nogget @ October 31 2012, 8:49 AM GMT

Why not simply pay parents to look after their own kids?

Can we sack them if they do a shit job? And most do.

Quote: Nogget @ October 31 2012, 8:49 AM GMT

"Britain faces a choice between a generation of stagnant living standards for millions of lower-income households...according to a landmark report written by the Commission on Living Standards.... it suggests helping "the missing million" women back into the workforce by offering an extra 10 hours of childcare a week at £1 an hour, a move which would cost £2.2bn."

Why not simply pay parents to look after their own kids?

Well the aim here is to get both the mums and the people caring for the kids into work. It's once someone's not working for whatever reason then the cost is always far higher than supplementing their incomes. Because work is an inherently good thing, both for kids and for parents. Because parents get enough f**king handouts already. Because I'm sick of seeing gormless baby machines on day time TV gawping
"cos I wanted him around to help kids, cos it's hard those frozen Greggs frozen baby dinners won't drag themselves back from Iceland on their own."
Kids are expensive and there is no future for our rotten society. I suggest a slashing of VAT on pornography and tax breaks for wankers (who aren't the chancellors of the exchequer he's a big enough wanker already).

Quote: lofthouse @ October 30 2012, 11:10 PM GMT

Disney have bought Lucasfilms

NEW Star Wars movie in 2015



Goofy will probably play jar jars brother

Disney also own Marvel comics and the Jim Henson Company and have been making pretty good movies based on those franchises. So a Mickey Mouse company, run by a Muppet has been bought by Disney.

I'm looking forward to Star wars revenge of the Bambi or Peter Pantoran

Telegraph imitates Daily Mash.

A 30ft effigy of disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong wearing a Jim'll Fix It badge will be burned at a town's annual bonfire celebrations this weekend.


Quote: sootyj @ October 31 2012, 9:59 AM GMT

Well the aim here is to get both the mums and the people caring for the kids into work.

But the mums are already doing work, they're doing exactly what the carers would be doing. Just define 'being a parent' as 'work' and that's a job created right there.

But then the mum and the babysitter aren't both earning salaries and paying income tax to the government.

Hmmm . . .

"He is described as a slim, white man, aged 25 to 35"

Oh, him!

Quote: Lee @ November 1 2012, 12:20 AM GMT

"He is described as a slim, white man, aged 25 to 35 with a hand on one hip and the other arm raised like a teapot handle"

Oh, him!

They should really take her kids away and have them brought up by Asians.

It's not clear in what way she "left" her kids to kick this guy. Does the Mail think she should have held onto them? Of course the attack is outrageous, but the tone of the journalism is unnecessary. Also, she's described as "Serial thug Amanda Lowe, 26"...that's no way to describe someone. One of the problems with racist stereotyping is that they tend to conform to the label. To describe her in this way, instead of "unemployed" or whatever she is, risks it becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy.

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