British Comedy Guide




Well I done it I voted for the most right wing candidate, Barack Obama.

You idiot he’s the black candidate, why’d you do that.

Damn I thought some southerner had bought a black slave, and made him run his campaign for him.

Don’t worry I voted for this chubby white guy, with a nasal voice he’s gotta be a good old boy, even if he’s a cry baby.


Clinton, Hilary,

Some times I wish I kept your mama as just my sister you dignus

Edit: Capitalisation etc.

Quote: Chimes of Freedom @ February 1, 2008, 4:47 PM

The last line isn't funny unless the audience assumes KK1 is KK2's father but there's nothing in the script to suggest they're related.

They're southern so there is.

The sketch was OK. It needs more lines though I think.

Great idea. I like your mini news sketches. Agree with both above crits. You need a few more lines & to emphasise the Daddy bit.

I think it's funnier if you just lose the last lines (and possibly revert the joke back to it's roots?):

Quote: joel soetendorp @ February 1, 2008, 4:24 PM

KKK2 Joel Soetendorp


Well I done it I voted for the most right wing candidate, Barack Obama.

You idiot he’s the black candidate, why’d you do that.

Damn I thought some southerner had bought a black slave, and made him run his campaign for him!

Laughing out loud

Quote: Frankie Rage @ February 1, 2008, 6:16 PM

and possibly revert the joke back to it's roots?

Roots! Geddit? Boom boom!

I didn't find this funny at all to be honest. I found the whole thing very predictable and hackneyed.

Good on you for trying to be edgy though.

I thought the fist three lines were quite good and the sketch could terminate there. As with a few other sketches though, this tends to mean its true medium is the one-liner. It didn't stretch to a sketch here.

Yeh wasn't wild about this sketch,

was asking the essential Barack Obama question, how do you make a joke about this incredibly, decent, and likable presidential candidate, he's way too important not to comment on.

so found my self switching to focusing on what his foes say about him,

I like the idea in this skit but it is a little cliched in it's delivery,

I tried a similar one with Hilary phoning the police, complaining about some Black guy stealing her campaign

would be interested to see how other people handle the B question?

I guess just because I'm aspiring to be heard by 60 drunken English people in a poky hall, doesn't mean one shouldn't think big.

Not sure how edgy it is, I thought the idea was dull as milk, and hopefully abit unusual.

Quote: sootyj @ February 3, 2008, 5:07 PM

I tried a similar one with Hilary phoning the police, complaining about some Black guy stealing her campaign

This i think is funny.

Not sure if it's a sketch though or another one-liner.

Sorry, just read that last post of mine back. It sounded roundly patronising. Sorry.

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