British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,033

Certainly America is very diferent to Europe I mean there charity is a whole diferent ball game. With people expecting to contribute to their community far more than in decadent, socialist europe.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 4:48 PM BST

It's these kind of comments that really make me chuckle. Americans don't give two poopies about international politics. If anything, they think the rest of the world is some weird planet where people shit outdoors and Muslims blow each other up. Most Americans don't even have passports, because they have everything they need in the one country.

But if you want to metaphorically piss against a fan with your mouth open, then you go right ahead and vent your 'ire'. It's not like you support a two party system in this country that's full of idiots.

It is possible to have a point of view without having a vote. It is niether here nor there if they choose to listen. The world is a mess but it is not going to be cured by every citizen of every country only taking an interest in their own little patch of land. Freedom of speech, which you seem to cherish, demands that we are allowed to express an opinion not only of our own leaders but others. If they listen or not is up to them and their freedom not to. Shall we stand by and watch the world go to hell in a handcart just because its not in our backyard. That to me seems to be a recipe for disaster. I can promise you America worries about what China thinks.

"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.
In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of."

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ October 24 2012, 5:35 PM BST

"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.
In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of."


I will also add that America has always been an insular country. People always say that the Marshall Plan saved Europe after the war, and it did, but what they don't tell you is how close America let Europe get to going to the wall, it was an eleventh hour decision. Earlier they loaned the Labour government an amount of money that we couldn't finish paying off until 1997, despite Keynes putting forward a justifiable case for help considering the sacrifices we as a country had made. It was only the fear of Europe going communist that led to action, the US is never early for anything. The world now is changing, they will not be calling the shots to much longer and should they decide to not fully consider the views of countries like, China, Brazil and India they will find themselves falling down the ranks of importance very quickly. The most powerful countries have their time in the sun, but it never lasts, from Greece and Rome to Spain and Great Britain, power is finite. A lesson they will have to learn, as we did once.

Is everyone being a paedo? Is it de rigeur this season?
I don't wanna be a paedo, I struggle enough with florals :(

Quote: AJGO @ October 24 2012, 5:48 PM BST

Is everyone being a paedo? Is it de rigeur this season?

Twelve-year-olds are the new black.

Quote: Pingl @ October 24 2012, 5:27 PM BST

Freedom of speech, which you seem to cherish, demands that we are allowed to express an opinion not only of our own leaders but others. If they listen or not is up to them and their freedom not to. Shall we stand by and watch the world go to hell in a handcart just because its not in our backyard.

You support a two party system, you only ever vote for one of those parties, you are now criticising the candidate who doesn't follow your idealogy in another country. I'm not sure if this is a case of freedom of speech or you trying to impose your political dogma on another country.

Why do you assume the world will go to hell in a handcart if Romney is President? Predictable leftist hyperbole in favour of Obama is all well and good, especially when it ignores the Troop surges, the drone strikes, the continuation of Guantanamo Bay, the high unemployment, the lack of economic growth, the multi-trillion dollar deficit, government money being wasted on futile programmes, inflation, the lacklustre housing market, etc.

There are reasons why Romney is running neck and neck with Obama in all of the polls and it has nothing to do with your personal perceptions. Churlish British left wing name calling is a form of freedom of speech I suppose, just not a very informed one. Quite rightly, it's totally ignored by the American public.

Quote: AJGO @ October 24 2012, 5:48 PM BST

Is everyone being a paedo? Is it de rigeur this season?

With all of the conspiracy theories, name calling and finger pointing, I think it's time for a good old fashioned witch hunt, where we can accuse everyone we don't like of being a paedophile.

Hopefully, we can rush in some ill thought out laws that destroy our civil liberties and appease the kneejerk desires of the mob.

Now is not the time for level heads, but rumours, scare mongering and scapegoating.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 6:18 PM BST

You support a two party system, you only ever vote for one of those parties, you are now criticising the candidate who doesn't follow your idealogy in another country. I'm not sure if this is a case of freedom of speech or you trying to impose your political dogma on another country.

Why do you assume the world will go to hell in a handcart if Romney is President? Predictable leftist hyperbole in favour of Obama is all well and good, especially when it ignores the Troop surges, the drone strikes, the continuation of Guantanamo Bay, the high unemployment, the lack of economic growth, the multi-trillion dollar deficit, government money being wasted on futile programmes, inflation, the lacklustre housing market, etc.

There are reasons why Romney is running neck and neck with Obama in all of the polls and it has nothing to do with your personal perceptions. Churlish British left wing name calling is a form of freedom of speech I suppose, just not a very informed one. Quite rightly, it's totally ignored by the American public.

With all of the conspiracy theories, name calling and finger pointing, I think it's time for a good old fashioned witch hunt, where we can accuse everyone we don't like of being a paedophile.

Hopefully, we can rush in some ill thought out laws that destroy our civil liberties and appease the kneejerk desires of the mob.

Now is not the time for level heads, but rumours, scare mongering and scapegoating.

So because I only vote Labour I can have no worthy opinion on any democratic or non democratic country's government. Romney is an intellectual pigmy, I know you on the right only really trust the truly dumb, but if this man gets his finger on the button we may all be in trouble. If you want some kind of tea party running America then that is your call. But you cannot dismiss other people challenging you. luckily the American system normally insures even the biggest moron is held by checks and balances, unfortunately this also means it leads to stagnation.

Quote: Pingl @ October 24 2012, 6:26 PM BST

So because I only vote Labour I can have no worthy opinion on any democratic or non democratic country's government. Romney is an intellectual pigmy, I know you on the right only really trust the truly dumb, but if this man gets his finger on the button we may all be in trouble.

Who said I was on the right? I have stated many times that I'm a libertarian with a strong desire for a meritocracy. If this conflicts with the left wing view that has been handed to you by others, then it doesn't automatically put me on the right.

I find that those who follow only one political doctrine are akin to devout religious fanatics. I get a further chuckle when the leftoids attack organised religion because they do not realise the inherent irony in their own blind idealogical faith.

Romney is an intellectual pygmy and truly dumb? Your insight into the world of American politics is truly astounding. Any other gems of wisdom from your sixth form college view of the US elections?

(I do like you really Pingl, but I enjoy political debate even more)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 6:39 PM BST

Who said I was on the right? I have stated many times that I'm a libertarian with a strong desire for a meritocracy. If this conflicts with the left wing view that was handed to you by others, then it doesn't automatically put me on the right.

I find that those who follow only one political doctrine are akin to devout religious fanatics. I get a further chuckle when the leftoids attack organised religion because they do not realise the inherent irony in their own blind idealogical faith.

Romney is an intellectual pygmy and truly dumb? Your insight into the world of American politics is truly astounding. Any other gems of wisdom from your sixth form college view of the US elections?

(I do like you really Pingl, but I enjoy political debate even more)

My politics have been formed over many years of thought and study. Anyone who doesn't think Romney is dumb, in a political sense, has not listened to him. I am no fan of Obama, never have been, he always seemed to be more of an orator than a strategist. However give me Obama over Romney anytime. I am left wing in somethings, right wing in others, nothing is black and white, but I distrust the self intererest that motivates most of the right. You cannot have a President of America who is to insular or doesn't come over well to other countries, and may indeed offend them. Not at time when the US is in decline, not for our sakes, for theirs. Don't worry I like you too :D

Quote: AJGO @ October 24 2012, 5:48 PM BST

Is everyone being a paedo? Is it de rigeur this season?
I don't wanna be a paedo, I struggle enough with florals :(

Tom Watson has just lit the blue touch paper.

Quote: Pingl @ October 24 2012, 6:48 PM BST

Don't worry I like you too :D


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 6:39 PM BST

Who said I was on the right? I have stated many times that I'm a libertarian

Does that mean you used to wear one of these?

Oh ! The rubber buttons !


$780,000 virgin

Possibly most of the BCG ladies have miised the boat on this ploy.

Quote: billwill @ October 25 2012, 12:50 AM BST

$780,000 virgin

Possibly most of the BCG ladies have miised the boat on this ploy.

Well, after spunking up all that cash I hope Natsu doesn't drop his wad too quickly.

And who said romance was dead, eh?

Lord Summerisle apparently bid $790,000 but she's allergic to wicker.

"Animals are fine, but their acceptability is limited. A little child is even better, but not nearly as effective as the right kind of adult."

"Don't you see that killing me is not going to bring back your apples?"

"I know it will!"

Ad nauseum...

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