British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,032

So now you can say he's one 'Dead Motherf**ker' with no threat implied.

The saville story is dead boring

I am such a wrong 'un, this made me laugh lots.

Ha! I bet the kids flippin loved it

Must admit I sniggered at the body being hurled at the camera.

Very interesting poll out today. Most of the world wants Obama to stay as the American President.

Everyone it seems except Pakistan. Why would the most populated Islamic nation on Earth not want a Muslim in the White House?

I do love it when British people vigorously declare that 'Obama should stay!'. Not realising that Americans don't give a flying fook about what some geography teacher from Bridlington has to say on the matter.

Perhaps you should start seeing if the milkman could bring you an argumnent with your daily pint of bile.

Although good point about people in the UK thinking the US cares what they do. Akin to a mosquito raping a rhino and saying, did I hurt you baby?

Quote: sootyj @ October 24 2012, 11:39 AM BST

Perhaps you should start seeing if the milkman could bring you an argumnent with your daily pint of bile.

The milkman?! Should I pay him with my ration book?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 11:34 AM BST

Americans don't give a flying fook about what some geography teacher from Bridlington has to say on the matter.

There's probably a few that care what the rest of the world thinks, and maybe our opinion could sway their vote.

In the last but one election the Guardian hilariously tried to swing one small town behind John Kerry (by gettin John Le Carre and a whole bunch of lefty whiners to write them open letters). Not only did they recieve literally thousands of abusive emails and letters. They almost certainly handed it to Dubya.

So lets keep out of it....

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 11:47 AM BST

The milkman?! Should I pay him with my ration book?


You can pay him kind like you usually do.

This bloody black market is a pain in the arse!

Quote: Nogget @ October 24 2012, 12:57 PM BST

There's probably a few that care what the rest of the world thinks, and maybe our opinion could sway their vote.

Wrong! Americans really couldn't give a shit, in fact, telling them what the rest of the world thinks is likely to have the opposite reaction to vote swaying.

If you want to believe that the British have a say in US Elections, then you go on right ahead believing that, if it makes you feel better.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 24 2012, 2:04 PM BST

Wrong! Americans really couldn't give a shit, in fact, telling them what the rest of the world thinks is likely to have the opposite reaction to vote swaying.

If our opinion has the opposite effect, it is still an effect.

I don't think Americans care what we think about Obama. Don't see how that affects whether or not we should have an opinion though.

You have got to ask how many totally ignorant politicians one country can have. If Obama loses to this doofus they deserve everything they get. Romney really pissed me off with his comments about the Olympics which I feel gives me the right to say that he is a dickhead and the US may be the only country in the world who could contemplate voting this idiot in. Romney makes Bush like a fair minded, intelectual giant. Romney's grasp of international politics makes Palin look like Kofi Annan. If America is determined to lose its status to China etc then electing Romney would be the right way of going about it.

Quote: Pingl @ October 24 2012, 3:47 PM BST

Romney makes Bush like a fair minded, intelectual giant. Romney's grasp of international politics makes Palin look like Kofi Annan. If America is determined to lose its status to China etc then electing Romney would be the right way of going about it.

It's these kind of comments that really make me chuckle. Americans don't give two poopies about international politics. If anything, they think the rest of the world is some weird planet where people shit outdoors and Muslims blow each other up. Most Americans don't even have passports, because they have everything they need in the one country.

But if you want to metaphorically piss against a fan with your mouth open, then you go right ahead and vent your 'ire'. It's not like you support a two party system in this country that's full of idiots.

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