British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,031

yea lets round up all the scientists lock them in a room with loads of fags and cosmetics and let them find out how the beagles feel.

Now you know why Micheal Fish won't holiday in Italy.

As Bewitched so profoundly said 'Blame it on the weatherman!'

Quote: Tursiops @ October 22 2012, 5:41 PM BST

The blame culture just maybe going a bit too far...

This is bound to have some aftershocks. These scientists may have had their faults but a sentence of this magnitude is earth shattering.

Marvellous, RC.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 22 2012, 6:34 PM BST

This is bound to have some aftershocks. These scientists may have had their faults but a sentence of this magnitude is earth shattering.

Legally, this could create a seismic shock.

Quote: Tursiops @ October 22 2012, 5:41 PM BST

The blame culture just maybe going a bit too far...

F**king hell. That is f**king outrageous. If they go to prison then the judge and prosecutors should have all products and benefits of scientific discovery taken away from them. I don't know what's worse, the thought that Italy is so standardly a corrupt shambles that maybe there are other elements at play here, or that educated and powerful people actually think this verdict is truthful and reasonable. Shame, shame, shame on them.

Quote: AJGO @ October 22 2012, 11:10 PM BST

F**king hell. That is f**king outrageous. If they go to prison then the judge and prosecutors should have all products and benefits of scientific discovery taken away from them. I don't know what's worse, the thought that Italy is so standardly a corrupt shambles that maybe there are other elements at play here, or that educated and powerful people actually think this verdict is truthful and reasonable. Shame, shame, shame on them.

And of course Judges should be prosecuted and sent to jail if any of their verdicts are overturned by higher courts.


We didn't prosecute out weatherman when he made a similar mistake about a huge storm that knocked down trees etc.

We just laffed at him, poor fella.

What about priests who prayed for good weather?


Poor little sod! ;)

Surely the weather dept should be in the Vatican, what with a hot line to the boss about upcoming 'acts of god'?

They could produce a kind of 'What's on?' for natural disasters.

Poor Michael Fish, we didn't have to punish him after his cock up.

Firstly, he looks like Michael Fish (having looks like that is bad enough - believe me!). Secondly, he's been a c**t in anyone's eyes over 35 for the last 25 years now.

Saville has now been accused of Necrophilia by Paul Gambaccini on Nicky Campbells Radio 5 afternoon show, which normally does recipes.

Quote: billwill @ October 23 2012, 2:37 AM BST

We didn't prosecute out weatherman when he made a similar mistake about a huge storm that knocked down trees etc.

We have weathermen because every single day, there will be weather. The Wops hired these scientist dudes, because like a bunch of idiots, they built houses and cities in an earthquake zone.

As Johnny Cash once sang: 'If you're gonna be dumb, then you gotta be tough'.

They should take a leaf out of the sensible book of plucky Britishness, because thousands of us bought homes in designated flood plains and then we all reacted in shock and surprise when those areas...became flooded.

Darwin and nature are working well together and anything that thins out the stupid herd is always welcome. Unfortunately, scientists can sometimes get in the way and need to be locked up.

Still, if it were me, I'd go medievel witch on their asses: 'Lock me up and I predict seven major earthquakes! Give me community service and I might let some of you live! Woo! Woo! I am the earthquake man!'

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ October 23 2012, 5:32 PM BST

Saville has now been accused of Necrophilia by Paul Gambaccini

Did one of the victims come forward?

God their really digging up the dirt on Saville now

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ October 23 2012, 5:32 PM BST

Saville has now been accused of Necrophilia by Paul Gambaccini on Nicky Campbells Radio 5 afternoon show, which normally does recipes.

Sheds a rather different, and thoroughly unpleasant, light on the five days he spent alone with his recently deceased mother's body.


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