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Why does anyone need religion? Page 2

People could always not follow Gervais if they don't like his tweets. Crazy idea, I know.

This is the problem with this whole kettle of feeding the five thousand fish. as I said as long is it harms no one else who cares what people believe. I don't want others beliefs or disbeliefs screamed in my face. I know what I believe I know what I don't, its private and personal, an old fashioned idea in this day and age

Quote: Lee @ October 16 2012, 12:20 PM BST


Gervais replies are pretty tame compared to some of the "Christians" that tweet him thinks like "I hope you die of an AIDS infected tumour because you're going to hell" is why many people are opposed to religion.

Just because it isn't physical acts of repression, doesn't mean it still isn't there.

These atheists (such as Dawkins and to a much lesser extent, Gervais) attack religion itself, not limiting it to the institution. There are nutters in the church, but they have nothing to do with the religion itself. The main religions all preach love, tolerance and acceptance. You need to attack the nutters, NOT the belief system. It's like saying all muslims are terrorists. They're not. Some nutters are.

and I've never felt any oppression of any kind from religion. I don't know anyone who has. I know a couple of gay friends who've had a bit of shit from people who would call themselves Christians, but we are all educated enough to differentiate personal comments as mis-understood doctrine, NOT that 'God hates fags'

Quote: Mr Carnegie @ October 16 2012, 12:26 PM BST

These atheists (such as Gervais) attack religion itself, not limiting it to the institution. There are nutters in the church, but they have nothing to do with the religion itself. The main religions all preach love, tolerance and acceptance. You need to attack the nutters, NOT the belief system. It's like saying all muslims are terrorists. They're not. Some nutters are.

Freedom of speech. Gervais main argument seems to be if your faith means so much, his opinion of it is insignificant. "The main religions all preach love, tolerance and acceptance." Ironic?

Quote: Lee @ October 16 2012, 12:34 PM BST

Freedom of speech. Gervais main argument seems to be if your faith means so much, his opinion of it is insignificant. "The main religions all preach love, tolerance and acceptance." Ironic?

There is nothing wrong with religion or atheism as concepts, but once humans become involved it becomes poison. I don't trust any organised anything. I will say one thing, although I know Old Rocker is bother causing with this thread, the main credo should always be 'FIRST DO NO HARM'

I liked one of his tweets a while back where he said something like;
'There are 3000 official gods throughout the world, you don't believe in 2999 of them and me just one more.

Quote: Lee @ October 16 2012, 12:34 PM BST

Freedom of speech. Gervais main argument seems to be if your faith means so much, his opinion of it is insignificant. "The main religions all preach love, tolerance and acceptance." Ironic?

It's a little like saying "if shagging other guys means so much to you, me tweeting, going on TV shows, even supporting a movement to discredit is as much as possible, mentioning all the time in scripts, stand up and interviews, - that I think you're stupid for thinking that way should be insignificant"

And they do preach those things. Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the most hated and unaccepted people. He even washed their feet! (I believe)

"And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" - sort of stopped a 'religious killing' and told people to stop being hypocrites????

(I should point out I am NOT a Christian or religious)

what always gets me in the incredible arrogance needed to think I would be interested in any one elses beliefs. I find it patronising from both sides of the coin, I am quite capable, as is everyone else, of reading the relative documents and making my own mind up. I do not need some suit clad moron waving a Janet and John leaflet at me.

Quote: Pingl @ October 16 2012, 12:47 PM BST

I am quite capable, as is everyone else,

Everyone? Steady on.

Quote: Pingl @ October 16 2012, 12:47 PM BST

what always gets me in the incredible arrogance needed to think I would be interested in any one elses beliefs. I find it patronising from both sides of the coin, I am quite capable, as is everyone else, of reading the relative documents and making my own mind up. I do not need some suit clad moron waving a Janet and John leaflet at me.

Agreed. I'm not saying atheists are wrong for saying these things, or for disagreeing with religious people. They have just as much right as religious types to get their point across.

But it niggles me that these campaigning atheists have the gall to say religion is so intrusive and so decidedly bullshit all the friggin' time, at any opportunity, just because they don't happen to agree. Stop being just as intrusive, petty and message-bashing as the religious nutters.

On a side note, personally I find atheism a little narrow minded and, for people so self-proclaimedly intelligent and logical... a bit ignorant.

I have never died, found out what happens after, and come back to life. So no one knows either way what happens when we die. It's all speculation... Hence my championing of the agnostic stance!

Quote: Mr Carnegie @ October 16 2012, 1:13 PM BST

On a side note, personally I find atheism a little narrow minded and, for people so self-proclaimedly intelligent and logical... a bit ignorant.

As opposed to the one true way? It's believe in "he" or go to hell. Ignorance is ignoring scientific facts, such as those provided by evolutionists.

Quote: Lee @ October 16 2012, 1:17 PM BST

As opposed to the one true way? It's believe in "he" or go to hell. Ignorance is ignoring scientific facts, such as those provided by evolutionists.

Surely if you're going to be logical and scientific you'd also need to PROVE there is no God before saying 'there is no God'.......?
Proclaiming it with no evidence of what happens after death is being narrow-minded in itself.

Also, the evolutionary argument niggles me on both sides of the argument. Why can't Christians use the theory of evolution as the physical manifestation of creation? If God created everything, surely he caused evolution??

Quote: Lee @ October 16 2012, 1:17 PM BST

As opposed to the one true way? It's believe in "he" or go to hell. Ignorance is ignoring scientific facts, such as those provided by evolutionists.

The problem is people always jump to the most fundamental aspects of anything. Most people, believers or not, believe in evolution, it is avery small amount who don't. You can't judge anything on its fringe elements, not even this very board.

Quote: Mr Carnegie @ October 16 2012, 1:29 PM BST

Surely if you're going to be logical and scientific you'd also need to PROVE there is no God before saying 'there is no God'.......?

Isn't that like saying that to be able to say there's no such thing as Superman I need to be able to prove it? Surely the onus isn't on me to disprove something someone wrote down in a book as being a reality?

Quote: Mr Carnegie @ October 16 2012, 1:29 PM BST

Surely if you're going to be logical and scientific you'd also need to PROVE there is no God before saying 'there is no God'.......?

I've never heard ANY scientist claim 'there is no God' but scientists can pick apart all the evidence that is provided to them via sources such as the bible.

Quote: Mr Carnegie @ October 16 2012, 1:29 PM BST

Also, the evolutionary argument niggles me on both sides of the argument. Why can't Christians use the theory of evolution as the physical manifestation of creation? If God created everything, surely he caused evolution??

Some Christians do. Doesn't the Archbishop and The Pope recognize evolution as scientific fact?

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