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Jimmy Savile Page 30

A woman has claimed she may have become pregnant by DJ John Peel during a three-month affair when she was a 15-year-old schoolgirl.

The BBC star presenter met Jane Nevin backstage at a Black Sabbath concert in the summer of 1969.

Mrs Nevin says she was 'in awe' of the Radio 1 DJ, then 30, and that they would go to his London BBC studio or backstage at concerts to make love.

Quote: lofthouse @ October 13 2012, 6:41 PM BST

A woman has claimed she may have become pregnant by DJ John Peel during a three-month affair when she was a 15-year-old schoolgirl.

I think your mixing apples and oranges, as dead BBC DJ John Peel didn't force himself on the girl unlike dead BBC DJ Jimmy Savile.

I wonder what dead BBC DJ Alan 'Fluff' Freeman would have made of all this underage shagging?

Well if there is a 42 year old son/daughter around, it should be fairly easy to test their DNA.

It's still a BBC dj having sexual relations with a child

Quote: lofthouse @ October 13 2012, 6:47 PM BST

It's still a BBC dj having sexual relations with a child

And not a school teacher or member of the Rolling Stones for once. Wait, no, I like the logic of your argument - the reason we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe is because of dead BBC DJs impregnating girls against their will.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 13 2012, 6:32 PM BST

If he had been an unknown - which let's face it are the vast and overwhelming majority of kiddy fiddlers - he could have got a job in Stoke Mandeville and groped sick bitches to his heart's content.

Your assertion that the BBC are to blame for his abhorrent behaviour and must therefore be punished is like blaming the ligthning for making Frankenstein's monster.

But as the only real perpertrator for these crimes is a dead man, people have direct their outrage somewhere else. Luckily, there will be a slew of other deceased people (many with knightshoods) they can vent their anger towards.

Not that the amount of public anger is in any way disproportionate to the crimes.

*On the plus side, the BBC has much deeper pockets then Savile's estate for handing out compensation to the victims.

No the air of respectability they gave me him gave him freer access.

It was because he had the respectability he had the access. Not all 1960s hospitals were rapatoriums.

This whole conversation is starting to remind me of something I saw on the bus today. A chav attempting to teach his pitbull to box.

For real the poor mutt seemed to realise it was pointless before the owner.

So yes RCP you are completely and utterly right. Giving a potentially disturbed sex offender a chance to appear on telly as a sort of cuddly uncle and hugely inluential figure, even when they almost certainly were aware of his actions. In no way aided him in bullying hospitals into giving him keys and personal rape rooms. Why in the 1960s everyone could get one of those, I had one I stored my massive collection of Gollywogs in. The silly sods thought I was using it to rape patients in, the jokes on them.

Does this scandal mean Hugh Dennis won't be doing his "Showadywady" Savile impression on Mock the Week every bloody episode?

Quote: lofthouse @ October 13 2012, 6:47 PM BST

It's still a BBC dj having sexual relations with a child

It's a year, did she say she was 15?

I think we should all get our DOBs tattooed on our genitals by law.

And bums if you're a gay or into bum sex.

Oh she lied about her age?

Oh well

It's ok then

Get stuck in peeley lad !

Quote: sootyj @ October 13 2012, 6:58 PM BST

No the air of respectability they gave me him gave him freer access.

It was because he had the respectability he had the access. Not all 1960s hospitals were rapatoriums.

Exploiting your fame to get poontang is as old as fame itself. Blaming the BBC for the actions of it's 'stars' is as silly as it is futile. Even under the strictest of supervision, such as the Hollywood contract star system in the 1940s, bad people did bad things.

As much as I'd like to blame a faceless corporation for all of life's ills, I think you are suffering as much from misdirected rage as the rest of the population.

The urge to find a scapegoat, a villain wearing a black hat and conclusively punishing them is probably the most simplistic of goals. Just look at American foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Did Jimmy Savile exploit both the system and his fame to perpertrate his crimes, definitely. Is the system to blame or the man himself? Since he's dead, I suppose you have to blame someone - see my earlier point about villains and black hats.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 13 2012, 7:11 PM BST

Did Jimmy Savile exploit both the system and his fame to perpertrate his crimes, definitely. Is the system to blame or the man himself? Since he's dead, I suppose you have to blame someone - see my earlier point about villains and black hats.

Yes and on this subject you are showing a weird, is it deliberate ignorance?

Any institution that can empart authority or respectability to someone with contact with children or other vulnerable people.

Has an automatic massive responsibility. From churches, to football teams, schools and yes the BBC. If you give someone respectability and an implied air of approval.It's why there's a sex offenders register.

If Saville had been booted out the first time he groped someone in his dressing room or on bloody set (apparently). He'd have been hanging around the school gate with a bag of sweets like a common or garden nonce.

Really is that so difficult to grasp? Or is this yet again the boring, timeless and dare I say it endless RCP windup machine?

Quote: lofthouse @ October 13 2012, 7:02 PM BST

Does this scandal mean Hugh Dennis won't be doing his "Showadywady" Savile impression on Mock the Week every bloody episode?

That is the saddest part of this whole situation. :(

Quote: sootyj @ October 13 2012, 7:17 PM BST

If Saville had been booted out the first time he groped someone in his dressing room or on bloody set (apparently). He'd have been hanging around the school gate with a bag of sweets like a common or garden nonce.

Really is that so difficult to grasp? Or is this yet again the boring, timeless and dare I say it endless RCP windup machine?

By all means, jump in your Paedo Fighting Tardis, go back in time and explain to the BBC in the 1970s that what Jimmy Savile is doing is wrong.

Do you even know who you are attacking and why? Or does your desire to seek vengeance mean that you want to attack someone, anyone. Will your conviction to see justice done still be as vehement in six months or a year's time? How about if this BBC inquiry is dragged out longer then Levinson and no one is held accountable because there's not enough evidence or they're dead?

I'm am geniunely curious to know what your motivations are behind funding this mock enquiry into the past?

Because if the BBC systematically covered up for a paedophile, then at the very least I'd like to know it wasn't still happening.

That if it happened with more than one offender, their victims could be helped and supported.

I've little interest in vengance. I believe I already said the model should be "truth and reconsiliation." Too at least know what happened, why and how it can be avoided in the future.

Systematic institutional abuse is neither easy to spot nor does it miraculously end.

Do you really not get that? Or are you still convinced you can teach a dog to box?

Quote: sootyj @ October 13 2012, 7:29 PM BST

Because if the BBC systematically covered up for a paedophile, then at the very least I'd like to know it wasn't still happening.

Really? You really expect to find evidence that there is paedophile ring inside the modern day BBC? Or is it that this story has been so widely reported and commented on by the media that your emotional strings are being pulled and that just like the rest of the hysterical mob, you need to publicly display your disgust?

E.g. If instead of the 24 hour news reportage, someone had said to you in passing 'Oh, there's new book coming out alledging that Jimmy Savile was a paedo' - Would your reaction (and just about everyone else on this forum) be the same? You're all being played and you don't even realise it.

Quote: sootyj @ October 13 2012, 7:29 PM BST

Or are you still convinced you can teach a dog to box?

What about a Boxer dog?

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