British Comedy Guide

Red Dwarf X Page 23

Quote: Lee Henman @ October 12 2012, 3:26 AM BST

F**k me, give the series a chance before you start boycotting it or whatever.

Give the series a chance?! It's a six episode series for Dave featuring a writer and actors who've worked together for 20 years and made a gazillion episodes, including 3 episodes of Back To Earth just the other year. How many bloomin' chances do these people get?

Remember Croft and Perry? Remember how they didn't move their humour with the times? How they were unable to evolve their craft to the changing tastes of comedy? This is the vibe I'm getting with RDX. We did give the series a chance, it was called the first episode and though it wasn't brilliant, we let it slide thinking great things were coming and they were just warming up.

If it turns out that last night's episode is just a blip, a bump in the road, I'll quite happily eat my fake Lister dreads, but at this moment in time, confidence is low.

Perhaps Red Dwarf X should be renamed 'Comedy Dinosaurs on a Space Ship'.

The overall vibe I'm getting from reading reviews from this site and others is that the majority of people are pleased with how series X is going

Quote: Scott Evans @ October 12 2012, 1:47 PM BST

The overall vibe I'm getting from reading reviews from this site and others is that the majority of people are pleased with how series X is going

The overall vibe I'm getting is completely the opposite, because I'm using my eyes, ears and brain to critically appraise a programme rather then going with the taste concensus of the fanboy mob.

Sorry if I don't fall into line.

Quote: Jinky @ October 12 2012, 9:08 AM BST

Was a bit worried that the second episode wouldn't be as good as the first, but two episodes in and I realise my worries were unfounded, this show just gets better and better.

You cheeky monkey. :D

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 12 2012, 1:52 PM BST

The overall vibe I'm getting is completely the opposite, because I'm using my eyes, ears and brain to critically appraise a programme rather then going with the taste concensus of the fanboy mob.

Sorry if I don't fall into line.

Sarky tart-! Pirate

Im not falling in line, I watched and I enjoyed, end of and from what I've read, others have enjoyed it too. If anyone is showing classic fanboy mob mentality it is you Renegade, who tries to slam down anyone with an opposing view. If you didn't like it, fine,that's your opinion, comedy is subjective, but don't accuse us who do like it of being a mindless crowd.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 12 2012, 1:59 PM BST

No need to be a sarky tart, RC! He's allowed to enjoy it. Pirate

I apologise Scott Evans, I'm not having a go at you personally, you are just indicative of many Red Dwarf apologists who are willing to blindly ignore all of the recent show's faults due to misplaced fanatacism.

The fact the show is back on TV is enough for some people. Just not me.

Quote: Scott Evans @ October 12 2012, 2:10 PM BST

If you didn't like it, fine,that's your opinion, comedy is subjective, but don't accuse us who do like it of being a mindless crowd.

...or a crowd of smegheads.

Quote: Scott Evans @ October 12 2012, 2:10 PM BST

If anyone is showing classic fanboy mob mentality it is you Renegade, who tries to slam down anyone with an opposing view.

Did you not rebuke my criticism of last night's episode by suggesting that the overall concensus was overwhelmingly positive, thus inferring that I was the one at fault due to 'statistics'?

I was expecting series X to be terrible, shows that come back after such a long time usually are. The last three eps of Only Fools and Horses were terrible in my opinion. Anyway, I had very low expectations for X but I've enjoyed them. There not perfect, they have some duff points but those aside, overall, both ep one and two made me laugh and I've enjoyed them

Quote: Scott Evans @ October 12 2012, 2:20 PM BST

The last three eps of Only Fools and Horses were terrible in my opinion.

(nah, "Strangers On The Shore" was funny...but you're right with the last one, that was Crapville, Arizona.)

It should of ended with them walking off into the sunset with all their money, instead they come back, get poor and killed Uncle Albert

Quote: Scott Evans @ October 12 2012, 2:35 PM BST

It should of ended with them walking off into the sunset with all their money, instead they come back, get poor and killed Uncle Albert

Maybe you're right. But I don't think the comeback was that bad...only the final episode (of all things) was outrageously bad and a sad way to end this otherwise glorious show.

But it's not the same with Red never was a show with that many emotions or pathos. So there's not much to destroy.

I am think giving something half a series before giving up is far enough, Lee.

I'll stick with it to the end of the series. Probably. It is definitely a bit creaky, and the plots, like Doctor Who, are a disappointing hodge-podge of pretty stale sci-fi ideas, but it does have a certain safe cheesy charm.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ October 12 2012, 2:45 PM BST

But it's not the same with Red never was a show with that many emotions or pathos. So there's not much to destroy.

Couldn't disagree more. It's one of the things that really irked me about last night's episode - the Lister conversation with himself. In ye olden Dwarf, it would have been laden with pathos about lost chances, not acheiving potential, what could have been, etc. In fact, it was a reoccuring theme throughout the show - 'Mr. Lister Sir!'

Instead, it was used as a vehicle for an overly long 'gag' about fast forwarding to the next bit on the video.

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