British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,026

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2012, 2:59 PM BST

Sure he did. And learned how to spell. And be funny.


Laughing out loud ;)

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2012, 2:56 PM BST

That's a sick joke about a dead kid, posted on the internet.

You just committed a jailable offensive, and I shall be raping you forthwith.

The Ole' Jimmy Saville vigilante defence again!

Todays Sun headline:
It's official: You can batter a burglar
Tories promise change to laws

Lets hope this new law doesn't place a Sun reporter in intensive care for rifling through some handy celebrity's bin.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 9 2012, 2:15 PM BST

Justin Lee Collins slept with a woman (never mind beating her up) and he's probably only going to get community service - the only time he's ever done something useful for the community.perpertrated.

140hrs unpaid work. Rolling eyes

His career will probably be down the toilet too though.

Hasn't it already?

Wow. What a gal.

Quote: youngian @ October 9 2012, 3:56 PM BST

Todays Sun headline:
It's official: You can batter a burglar

Let's hope the Scottish Sun changed the headline, otherwise it's going to look like Cannibal Holocaust in Govan.*

*I mean even more so then usual

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2012, 6:24 PM BST

Wow. What a gal.

I haven't read the story but the URL looks like it came from a Daily Mail journalist's training manual.

She is ace. All the Taleban put together couldn't have one millionth of her bravery and awesomeness.

Please zooo, don't make me read the article.

Hee. I'm sure you can find another one about her in a more appealing place.

Quote: zooo @ October 9 2012, 8:34 PM BST

She is ace. All the Taleban put together couldn't have one millionth of her bravery and awesomeness.

My heart so wishes that the story isn't true.

Does anyone remember last year's news story of the Afghani male "feminist", who went public with his views on islamic fundamentalist subjugation of women, who was photographed stumbling through a peopled daylight street with head injuries, pleading for help but getting none? What happened to him?

Are we actually already in Hell?

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 9 2012, 5:14 PM BST

140hrs unpaid work. Rolling eyes

You mean they sometimes pay offenders to carry out community service as their punishment?


My favourite Pussy Riot girls still has to go to jail. :(

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