British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,025

Quote: Oldrocker @ October 8 2012, 10:04 AM BST

What I don't get is how the police have charged him with murder when April hasn't been found.

I know that a body isn't necessary to bring a murder charge but what makes them so sure? Has he confessed?

If he was the last person in the company of a missing person and can not account for where they went to next.

And if there's fresh DNA evidence on his clothes or car he can't explain. They can say for definite she was there.

You don't just drop a 5 year old off by the side of the road.

Quote: billwill @ October 8 2012, 7:40 PM BST

They won't until the trial, in case it prejudices the trial.

Not to worry, our dilligent British press will do everything they can to

f**k up the trial

make vast profits

satiate the lust of ghoulish onlookers

get to the truth of the evidence.

And he may well be completely innocent

Even if he looks like a wrong un, and is working class

And welsh

Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2012, 8:08 PM BST

And he may well be completely innocent

I certainly hope not, I travelled miles to hurl abuse and kick that Prison Van today.

Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2012, 7:45 PM BST

If he was the last person in the company of a missing person and can not account for where they went to next.

And if there's fresh DNA evidence on his clothes or car he can't explain. They can say for definite she was there.

You don't just drop a 5 year old off by the side of the road.

Agreed but whilst that creates a lot of circumstantial evidence would it be enough to charge him?

Mind you, the CPS must think so.

It's a big call if they eff it up.

Most crimes are convicted on what's pretty much circumstantial evidence.

As reported in another thread -

12 weeks! He got 12 weeks in jail for cracking bad jokes about April Thingy and Maddy McCann on Facebook. This is beyond Orwellian.

Justin Lee Collins slept with a woman (never mind beating her up) and he's probably only going to get community service - the only time he's ever done something useful for the community.

Where are the all the Pussy Riot supporters on this one? Where are the famous pop stars coming to his aid? Freedom of speech is the only sick joke being perpertrated.

I agree with Carpark. Freedom of speech is becoming a bad joke in this country.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 9 2012, 2:15 PM BST

Justin Lee Collins slept with a woman (never mind beating her up) and he's probably only going to get community service - the only time he's ever done something useful for the community.

From a purely Darwinian/genetics point of view that really is a crime.

Quote: sootyj @ October 9 2012, 2:30 PM BST

From a purely Darwinian/genetics point of view that really is a crime.

He got 140 hours community service. If only he slagged her off on Facebook instead of subjecting her to months of physical, psychological and emotional abuse, then he might have got a stiffer sentence.

Millionairre Tories blame the poor and disabled for the state of the economy and unfunny, girlfriend beating, lion people get to walk free. This country is truly f**ked.

That makes me despair, it's media friendly, knee jerk idiocy.

Sootyj's next 5 laws

1 hanging for selling donuts in schools
2 hanging drawing and quatering for refusing to sell donuts in schools
3 life in imprisonment for twittering at Kate Middletons twat
4 public flogging for impersonating Sir Jimmy Saville near a school
5 Death by catapault for making any joke about anything.

Quote: sootyj @ October 9 2012, 2:45 PM BST

That makes me despair, it's media friendly, knee jerk idiocy.

Sootyj's next 5 laws

1 hanging for selling donuts in schools
2 hanging drawing and quatering for refusing to sell donuts in schools
3 life in imprisonment for twittering at Kate Middletons twat
4 public flogging for impersonating Sir Jimmy Saville near a school
5 Death by catapault for making any joke about anything.

Laughing out loud

I wholeheartedly approve and offer my endorsement of your new laws. I'd also like the BCG to officially edit the news in line with the Forum comments on the Newsletters.

So instead of '5 year old girl goes missing, presumed dead' we could have 'Extra school place found in Machynlleth, Powys'. Thereby protecting us all from the badness and such.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 9 2012, 2:50 PM BST

So instead of '5 year old girl goes missing, presumed dead' we could have 'Extra school place found in Machynlleth, Powys'. Thereby protecting us all from the badness and such.

That's a sick joke about a dead kid, posted on the internet.

You just committed a jailable offensive, and I shall be reporting you forthwith.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2012, 2:56 PM BST

That's a sick joke about a dead kid, posted on the internet.

You just committed a jailable offensive, and I shall be reporting you forthwith.

sootyj hacked my account. And zooo, probably.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 9 2012, 2:58 PM BST

sootyj hacked my account

Sure he did. And learned how to spell. And be funny.

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