British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,024

I have it, whats so bad about me echoing my genius?

Is that what they call it nowadays.

Why is it always Kay Burley?

'effin 'ell !

Should be printed off and put in the wage packet of all Premiership footballers.

OW! I wonder if they put it in a jar for him to take home.

Quote: AJGO @ October 7 2012, 4:09 PM BST

Why is it always Kay Burley?

She is evil incarnate?

Quote: AJGO @ October 7 2012, 4:09 PM BST

Why is it always Kay Burley?

As much as I'd like to demonise Kay Burley (or have sex with her, I get the two mixed up) she is but one symptom to a larger problem. The BBC News spent 10 minutes showing a church service for the little girl. The voyeuristic nature of the viewing public to witness the aftermath of this tragedy is a little disturbing.

Give the media a break, its the closest we can get to human sacrifice and people love a bit of that.

What I don't get is how the police have charged him with murder when April hasn't been found.

I know that a body isn't necessary to bring a murder charge but what makes them so sure? Has he confessed?

It is all a bit odd.

On a another note...

One of my favourite paintings.
Acts like this bring ever closer the day when paintings like this are all kept behind bullet-proof glass,

Quote: Oldrocker @ October 8 2012, 10:04 AM BST

What I don't get is how the police have charged him with murder when April hasn't been found.

Also, why take away all hope from the parents, telling them she's been murdered? Maybe there's reasons why they're absolutely sure that she has been, but they can't tell us.

Quote: Oldrocker @ October 8 2012, 10:04 AM BST

What I don't get is how the police have charged him with murder when April hasn't been found.

I know that a body isn't necessary to bring a murder charge but what makes them so sure? Has he confessed?

It's probably due to evidence in his vehicle(s).

I hope they tell us in the end. It's all very confusing.

Quote: zooo @ October 8 2012, 7:28 PM BST

I hope they tell us in the end. It's all very confusing.

They won't until the trial, in case it prejudices the trial.


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