British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,023


Why what. Why did he murder her?

Why what? He may still be innocent, they might just have picked up the most likely suspect.

Quote: zooo @ October 5 2012, 12:07 PM BST

Why what. Why did he murder her?

Just 'why' in a sad way.

That seems fair.

If so sad.

Some people have urges in a very dark direction.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ October 5 2012, 11:59 AM BST


I take it you mean...'Why?'

God works in mysterious ways? We only care about the deaths of little white children? Why did some bloke kidnap her? I dunno.

Has he even been charged yet? Because lots of people always get arrested in these things and then released.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 5 2012, 4:15 PM BST

We only care about the deaths of little white children?

Any kid disappearing like that at that age would make the news. What saddens me is the sheer futility of it all.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ October 5 2012, 4:53 PM BST

Any kid disappearing like that at that age would make the news.

Really? I don't have the number but I'd be surprised if the percentage of kids disappearing that make the news is very high. The is the first one since Maddy McCann I've seen make headlines anyway. It's always really sad but I think it's unfair for some kids to get more coverage than others.

Quote: Raymond Terrific @ October 5 2012, 8:25 PM BST

I think it's unfair for some kids to get more coverage than others.

I agree.

Every time I turn the tele on someone is asking me for £3 a month so some kid in Africa can have a drink of water.


Bye Abu. Have a nice trip.

I hope he gets very air sick. And also suffers some sort of deep vein thrombosis. And has an uncomfy chair.
Take that!

See, soon as it comes out that Her Maj is pissed off with it within a couple of weeks he's off !

Gawd Luv 'er.

I hope that after 5 years of doing wood work (one of the conditions of his rendition) he learns how to love people and be nice.

And finds the love of Jeebus.

I hope that after 5 years of doing wood work (one of the conditions of his rendition) he learns how to love people and be nice.

And finds the love of Jeebus.

Quote: sootyj @ October 6 2012, 1:11 AM BST

I hope that after 5 years of doing wood work (one of the conditions of his rendition) he learns how to love people and be nice.

And finds the love of Jeebus.

I hope that after 5 years of doing wood work (one of the conditions of his rendition) he learns how to love people and be nice.

And finds the love of Jeebus.

You really must get Broadband . . .

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