British Comedy Guide

Newbie type person

Hello all Wave

Found this place through a friend. I wont tell you who in case you hold it against them. Been having a look around, liking it muchly so far, hope you'll have me.

Interested in comedy writing, mainly for my own amusement, which is probably just as well.

Looking forward to reading some of the work posted, maybe posting some of my own, sometime.


Hello Fran Wave

I am the Gate Keeper, do you have any gates for me to keep?

Don't mind him, he's a multi coloured dancing monkey.

Hi and Welcome!

Hello Fran and a huge welcome.

Welcome Fran :D

Hello Fran Wave

Waht are friends?

Hi Fran. Welcome aboard Wave

Afternoon. *tips cap*

Quote: Fran @ January 31, 2008, 4:22 PM



Fran Fran Franny put a T infront & you become a tranny. Change the F for a G & your someones Granny. Take away the R & keep the rest. You become one of the body parts I like best.

Why am I not surprised? Laughing out loud

Gates you say? Why, I have Gates coming out of my ears, not going to turn money like that down.

Thanks for the welcome everyone :) oh and this Pirate no reason, I just like it and can't think where else I'd use it..

Hello! Wave

¡Hola! I having am joyful greetings at you and admirating the Ingles mostly as is help for the idiom in me I am learned. But why are the Ingles joining not the Europhonics being a goodly musica band?!¿

Mike, you're a freaking mental.

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