British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,016

John Terry found guilty of being a racist

Quote: Ignatius Rake @ September 27 2012, 2:48 PM BST

Don't get too attached to your avatars.

In a nutshell..

Leaked EU report calls for the abolition of online anonymity; wants avatars replaced by real photos, etc etc etc.

And no, this is not from the Rake & Herald.

Well I'm ok then

Yes you are, Moriati.

Who's actually a woman called Jenny.

With a removable face.


Sootyj has just concluded 3 days of training in interventions in violent behaviour.

He was the only bloke on the course.

The term "kebab grab" was used approximately 230 times.

Sootyj did not get to make a joke about this once.

This was quite painful for Sootyj.

Tulisa said "I was petrified sex tape would make me look a slapper in front of the nation."

Has anything contradicted that opinion? Of course it made her look a slapper - because she is one. Where's the likelihood of any debate?

No she's not she's lovely.

Quote: sootyj @ September 27 2012, 9:04 PM BST

Sootyj has just concluded 3 days of training in interventions in violent behaviour.

He was the only bloke on the course.

The term "kebab grab" was used approximately 230 times.

Sootyj did not get to make a joke about this once.

This was quite painful for Sootyj.

Pardon my ignorance but what's a 'kebab grab' apart from some sort of mugging?

When some one grabs your arm with both hands facing in the direction, as it makes your arm look like a kebab.

It's also how Julius Monkeyface allegedly chats up the ladies.

Quote: Ignatius Rake @ September 27 2012, 2:48 PM BST

Don't get too attached to your avatars.

In a nutshell..

Leaked EU report calls for the abolition of online anonymity; wants avatars replaced by real photos, etc etc etc.

And no, this is not from the Rake & Herald.

Yet another 'committee' coming up with yet another recommendation that is impossible to implement.

It will be impossible until every newborn babe is tattooed with a unique IPv6 internet address and that is the only one that it is possible for them to use. This would probably need a chip inserted under the skin to do it. All the adults would need to have them too.

Imagine the uproar if this is suggested. For example:

To paraphrase part of that page as an example of why abolition of on-line anonymity is BAD.


Individuals originally motivated to obtain and use fake on-line identities will instead use fake identity documents to procure "real" on-line identities.

Abolition of on-line anonymity creates new risks -- it calls for the scanning and storage of copies of applicants' identity documents (birth certificates, visas, etc.). These documents will be stored in databases that will become leaky honeypots of sensitive personal data, prime targets for malicious identity thieves or and accessible to an excessively broad range of individuals authorized to obtain documents from the database.


Or to put it in plain English.

If such regulations are implemented, only the Baddies will have fake identities and they will be having a great time hacking into & collecting the identifications of normal users in order to do identity theft scams.

Quote: billwill @ September 27 2012, 11:17 PM BST

Yet another 'committee' coming up with yet another recommendation that is impossible to implement.

It will be impossible until every newborn babe is tattooed with a unique IPv6 internet address and that is the only one that it is possible for them to use. This would probably need a chip inserted under the skin to do it. All the adults would need to have them too.

Imagine the uproar if this is suggested. For example:

To paraphrase part of that page as an example of why abolition of on-line anonymity is BAD.


Individuals originally motivated to obtain and use fake on-line identities will instead use fake identity documents to procure "real" on-line identities.

Abolition of on-line anonymity creates new risks -- it calls for the scanning and storage of copies of applicants' identity documents (birth certificates, visas, etc.). These documents will be stored in databases that will become leaky honeypots of sensitive personal data, prime targets for malicious identity thieves or and accessible to an excessively broad range of individuals authorized to obtain documents from the database.


Or to put it in plain English.

If such regulations are implemented, only the Baddies will have fake identities and they will be having a great time hacking into & collecting the identifications of normal users in order to do identity theft scams.

Which is the argument against ID cards.

'probably' never released? Really? Probably?

And they say there's no case for the death penalty.

Quote: Oldrocker @ September 28 2012, 1:06 AM BST

'probably' never released? Really? Probably?

And they say there's no case for the death penalty.

What I don't get is how 23 life sentences could EVER equate to a minimum of 16 years?
Thats about 9 months per life sentence.

Because the whole purpose of prison is to reform the criminal. Also the unreleasable prisoner is the most dangerous kind, create too many and the whole prison service would walk.

I'd like to think that hanging would work as a deterent. The problem is a guy like this obviously knows how to play the system, get a good lawyer etc and would never swing.

The thing that turns the stomach of even the staunchest pro death lobbyist. Is it's the foolish, the learning disabled or just tragically hopeless who die.

I bet if you were to average out the IQ of US death penalty victims, it would come out at under 80 (and their accomplices who get prison instead over a 100)


Hannibal Lecter is a serial killer but he only got jailtime. His IQ is 161.

Don't get me wrong - I'm 100% against any sort of death penalty and all for reforming the reformable.
It was a more of a mathematical question.
Giving someone 23 life sentences is silly enough - but for it then to be possible to come out after 16yrs makes it even sillier.

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