British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 876

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 9:18 PM BST

And the Alan Sugar cameo was awful.

That was just shamefaced crappery of the highest order, along with mentioning Facebook and Twitter - nice going BBC impartiality.

And why did the cubes have a brightly lit number countdown? Why didn't they just all have laser guns like the one the Doctor found? This thing no make no bloody sense innit.

Quote: Punk Anarcho @ September 23 2012, 6:47 PM BST

And they keep trying to do this thing happens out of plot.. The Henry VIII sequence and lost seven weeks.. it worked the first time they did it but its becoming tedious..

And he invented Yorkshire Pudding this week too.

Matt SMiths Dr is getting to be annoyingly childish.

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 9:28 PM BST

Matt SMiths Dr is getting to be annoyingly childish.

I think his portrayal of someone suffering from ADHD is both poignant and moving.

I know some very nice people with ADHD.

His character is just a clinical butt head.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 23 2012, 9:25 PM BST

And why did the cubes have a brightly lit number countdown? Why didn't they just all have laser guns like the one the Doctor found? This thing no make no bloody sense innit.

Because each did something different and collected the results. They even said as much. Then they all started counting down.

Then they played the birdy song...

Quote: Pingl @ September 23 2012, 10:00 PM BST

Then they played the birdy song...

Yeah, was pretty amusing little moment. :)

I liked the Birdy Song

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 10:04 PM BST

I liked the Birdy Song

I'm not having you on my side, go away!

well I guess a bird in the hand is worth a who in the bush. I have no idea what that means...

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 23 2012, 8:33 PM BST

It was lucky for the production team that the nearest portal was underneath the hospital that Rory worked in, otherwise they'd have to pay for another location.

Worst complaint ever.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 23 2012, 10:05 PM BST

I'm not having you on my side, go away!

i'm on the side of the birdy song you ego maniac.

On the side of the birdy song who are you fighting Aggadoo

Isn't Most of Dr Who a bit rubbish in places.
Certainly easy to pick holes in.
And as is customary anyone who doesn't share my correct opinion is a bit of an idiot who will be fed anything.

I think I must have dropped off for a minute.
Who were the two nurses with giant arseholes for faces and why were they taking people onto the spaceship?
And why, with a trillion information gathering devices on the planet did they need a blue-faced litte girl robot?

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