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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,013

Quote: Raymond Terrific @ September 23 2012, 4:19 PM BST

The rest of my logic relies on the axiom that most men feel this way. Maybe it's an evolutionary thing or something. But perhaps if most or a lot of men do feel this way, that in itself becomes a rational reason not to have women in combat situations. Simply because the other men wouldn't feel comfortable with it, and they have to be on their toes and keep their mind on the job. Plus the women might be fit and the men will be running around dangerous situations and dodging bullets with a boner. The men having the boner, not the bullets.

I think if this conversation has taught us nothing else (and it hasn't) it's that the men and women trained in combat probably know a bit more about this than us lot on a comedy message board grabbing 'logic' and 'facts' out of the air. It's possibly best left to them to sort out.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2012, 4:29 PM BST

I think if this conversation has taught us nothing else (and it hasn't) it's that the men and women trained in combat probably know a bit more about this than us lot on a comedy message board grabbing 'logic' and 'facts' out of the air. It's possibly best left to them to sort out.

Logic. Not women's strong suit...

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2012, 4:29 PM BST

I think if this conversation has taught us nothing else (and it hasn't) it's that the men and women trained in combat probably know a bit more about this than us lot on a comedy message board grabbing 'logic' and 'facts' out of the air. It's possibly best left to them to sort out.

Well yes, totally. They're the ones whose lives are on the line.

Quote: Ben @ September 23 2012, 4:24 PM BST

I see that a four year old got assaulted in the men's toilets at an Asda. I can't understand why anyone would think it safe to send a four year old into any 'unknown' zone. My mother would always take me in to the women's toilets if my father wasn't there to accompany me into the gents. I'm sure his Mother had some reason for sending him in there on his own, but I doubt it was worth the risk in any circumstance.

Can't imagine what she was thinking of. I'd NEVER have sent a four-year-old into the gents on his own. Can't remember when I started with mine but I'm sure I was still taking them with me into the ladies when they were about 6.

However they're arrested a 19-year-old, apparently.

What is it with public toilets that brings out the very worst in people?

Vandals, racists, perverts, rapists.

For f**ks sake.

If you abuse a crapper twice, thenthat's it colostomy bag for life. You may no longer defecate amongst decent people.

That soldier who had a baby when she didn't know she was pregnant.

It was a doubly surprising because she'd previously assumed she was a dude.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2012, 3:06 PM BST

I knew this bollocks would last all day... Rolling eyes

All of the studies indicate that if a female soldier were to be injured in combat, then the men in the unit would place themselves at extra risk to rescue her, because men are suckers.

Traditionally men have always excelled at combat because we can organise, hunt in packs, respect a hierarchal structure and follow orders. I'm not saying there aren't women who can't do these things equally as well, but personal experience indicates that when you put a group of chicks together for an extended period of time without creature comforts, they normally kill each other within the hour. ;)

The countries that actually put women in the front line haven't had any major problems.

nb in regards of what actually counts as front line battle, Britain had ladies in the front line for a couple of years now.

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 9:05 PM BST

The countries that actually put women in the front line haven't had any major problems.

That is certainly true and we seem to be pretty cool with female cops getting murderised. I think it's great that we are smashing down the barriers and letting chicks get killed just as much as the blokes.

Good job society!

Some jobs have added risk.

And then I realised you're being assinine again.

Is there any chance you could try and I dunno be funny?

Whilst posting yet another pointless windup posting?

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 9:16 PM BST

Is there any chance you could try and I dunno be funny?

And once again, I'm being attacked instead of the message. Debating standards have really slipped around here. Hopefully Michael Gove can sort it out quickly.


Because where as Mr Kipper has diligently spent years convincing us he is infact the reincarnation of Bulldog Drummond.

You have managed to convince me you are naught but an inveterate windup merchant. Hence I have no objection to calling "bull shit" when that's what you're blatantly doing.

If Chris Ophili takes a dump in the Tate Modern it's probably art. If a tramp does the same it's probably just a dump.

Quote: sootyj @ September 23 2012, 9:25 PM BST

You have managed to convince me you are naught but an inveterate windup merchant.

I may exaggerate matters to make a point. Am I personally concerned that the blurring between genders has as many negatives as positives? Ask the woman in the KFC advert who got incredibly pissed off because she had to open her own door for once.

Ok lets compromise if the grumpy lady in the KFC wants to join the SAS I'd say no.

I mean she'd refuse to blow the doors open as one of the chaps should do it for her.

I also think Brigitte Jones should not be allowed to join the Royal Marines/

[quote name="sootyj" post="916107" date="September 23 2012, 9:05 PM BST"]The countries that actually put women in the front line haven't had any major problems.

Putting women in the front line surely is a good thing in a war, because they are generally physically smaller than men and therefore harder to hit.

If we extend that logic then we should actually have dwarves and/or midget women - shouldn't we? I'm not sure of the difference - but am sure someone will point it out :$

However the object of the exercise would simply to get the smallest people on the front line surely?

There would also be other financial savings. Smaller people require smaller uniforms/boots/shorter equpment etc too. They won't need as much food inside them - giving savings in both foodstuffs and logistics.

Imagine taking it a step further and having an army of small women with a spread, time-wise, of menstrual cycles.

That way the ones who are in the pre-menstrual phase - and by definition, f**king potentially psychotic killers, could be used in the very front line on a rotational basis?

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