Alfred J Kipper
Sunday 23rd September 2012 1:53pm [Edited]
8,442 posts
Have I entered a reality free zone where others here only exist who are alien to to all that our civilisation stands for? It's supposed to be the main excuse FOR going to war, or certainly used to be, Sooty. Where exactly do you stand on this issue then, you'd be happy for your daughter to go from playing with her dolls to firing a machine gun at civilians in a short space of time, would you, as they do in Israel/Palestine? Allegedly. Just doesn't seem right to me somehow!
Zoo, I know you get it, but just don't like it maybe, but if it wasn't this way then females here would be in a far worse position, you wouldn't have the luxury of not wanting a man to open a door for you, you'd be forced to be subservient to every overdominant male in your society. Our way in the west works best, I wouldn't knock it myself but you do have the freedom to if you wish, here, thanks to Western men. It won't stop men instinctively wanting to protect you in times of danger though. The feminist's great gripe should be with Nature or God if you believe, not with men.