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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,011

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Some good news for Dr Who fans:

Quote: chipolata @ September 21 2012, 6:38 PM BST

It's great how now two policewomen have been shot we all love the police.

To be fair, I was pretty happy with the police before the WPCs got shot. However, I've always hated the 'don't you know who I am?' crowd every time they're forced to act like the rest of society.

This has warmed my heart and restored my faith in humanity -

The vast majority of Libyans want an end to armed militias, a return to rule of law and were outraged by the Embassy killings.

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ September 21 2012, 10:53 PM BST

Some good news for Dr Who fans:

Interesting about the quote....

The director of the urology department at Zhengzhou Central Hospital said the machine was being used by infertility patients who are finding it difficult to retrieve sperm the old fashioned way.

Old-fashioned eh?

So is wanking officially pasé and 'so last year' is it? I'm not convinced to be honest

I can see a few schoolboys popping this onto their Christmas wish list. Dear santa I'd like a wanking machine for Christmas please'

Thats another job the lazy bastards don't have to do now isn't it?

Quote: Lazzard @ September 21 2012, 6:51 PM BST

A week?
Four days ago the old bill were Public enemy No 1 over Hillsboro'.
The two policewomen getting shot was perfect timing as far as they were concerned.
A hardened conspiracy theorist would have a field-day with that.

Not only this but still they haven't explained why they sent two fairly inexperienced female officers into a house they suspected was harbouring a known murderer on the run. I found it very odd that on the day the story broke the police said it was a routine enquiry they were on.

Then a day later they changed that to the truth, that they were part of a sting type operation to flush out the killer. So why potentially sacrifice two unarmed females? It looks to me like the police immediatetely tried yet another instant cover up then later decided it was too risky considering their hideously battered reputation in recent years and the likelyhood of the press finding them out again.

Unarmed is an issue, inexperienced may be, but female isn't. I don't think it's policy to keep the nice lady officers for cases like cats stuck in trees, and only send the men if it's dangerous...

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 21 2012, 5:31 PM BST

Why am I loving this story about Andrew Mitchell MP swearing at the coppers so much? Oh that's right, just like the police, Andrew Mitchell is paid out of our tax money to do a job serving the public good.

Apparently, being told to take your bicycle through an entrance some 5 feet away from a gate is enough to send someone into a bloody hate filled rage. I guess the deaths of the two WPCs in Manchester must have inflamed him with new levels of anti-police unstoppable rage, just like a rioter.

Oh Andrew Mitchell MP, you am rubbish for twats.

What a plonker that man is, he's only just been promoted to the cabinet, in a fairly quiet role so as not to make too much fuss about another right wing posh boy joining the club and he goes and puts his foot right in it. Laughing out loud

Milliband needs to really jump on these chance tho, can you imagine what Neil Kinnock or Wilson would've made of this, they'd've been all over the tories.

They didn't know it was him, they thought they were investigating a burglary.

He set up an ambush with a friend at a random house he was holding the
owner hostage in.

Maybe he's mad, maybe he's evil. Personlly I suspect he's some sort of moral cretin with no ability to plan or rationalise his actions.

nb the grenades he threw cost a £1000 each on the black market.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2012, 10:38 AM BST

Unarmed is an issue, inexperienced may be, but female isn't. I don't think it's policy to keep the nice lady officers for cases like cats stuck in trees, and only send the men if it's dangerous...

Well, call me old fashioned, and I am, but I really think that should be policy, just like it is in the military, our military anyway. Armed frontline warfare of any kind is no place for women, whether that breaks the PC code or not, I don't care.

It's bad enough that children and relatives have to mourn fathers and sons being killed in service but it really does make a mockery of our civilised values if we take their mothers and daughters away in this fashion too, there HAS to be a cut off point, imo, this equality at all cost ethos is harmful garbage of the worst kind, with respect.

Lol. When did the 2 killed policewomen both become mothers?

I actually agree that people with young kids shouldn't want to serve in the army (male or female). Mainly because it means they're never home and have a job where they're quite likely to die. But police and army are completely different.

Anyway, not worth debating with you about this kind of stuff. Your opinions would have been laughed at even in the '70s. No offence. :)

One of them was about to marry her girlfriend.

How about front line lesbians?

Well laughed at by outsiders no doubt, but not by the military and not with many senior police figures either. None of our armed services want a law to be passed saying serving women must join in combat, and no govt thankfully has thought of passing one. If you really want to rip up our family oriented civilisation up and really our whole society, then put guns and grenades in the hands of women.

Our civilisation and in most of the west, is based on protecting our womenfolk, like that or not. You can't suddenly turn civilisation on its head just to please the equality tyrants.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ September 23 2012, 11:13 AM BST

Well laughed at by outsiders no doubt, but not by the military and not with many senior police figures either. None of our armed services want a law to be passed saying serving women must join in combat, and no govt thankfully has thought of passing one. If you really want to rip up our family oriented civilisation up and really our whole society, then put guns and grenades in the hands of women.

Our civilisation and in most of the west, is based on protecting our womenfolk, like that or not. You can't suddenly turn civilisation on its head just to please the equality tyrants.

Um. I don't really think that is what our civilisation is based on, to be honest... And why do you keep talking about the army, when we're talking about police?

I'm sure you'd be happy if all women, gays and Jews were banned from our civilisation. But luckily you're not in charge of anything... ;)

Well you don't have to believe it but it is. At least a thousand years of govt in the British isles has made the protection of women and children its main priority, the basis of our core civilistion. Its the code we live by. Not fashionable all of a sudden in this rabidly PC infested age, but its roots are very strong.

I'm on about the military because that is our armed service, the police are not, or not supposed to be.

Last time I checked, men were just as vulnerable to random gunfire as women.

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