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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,010

nb Renegade I believe these awful riots have killed 3 people in Libya. Most reports seem to suggest that this was actually the work of a disturbingly well organised terror cell (possible an AQ affiliate). And should be considered an assassination.
These protests are much closer to the Occupy movement.

Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2012, 6:17 AM BST


It a pears that you left out that crucial word.

Such sparkling wit,

Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2012, 10:35 AM BST

Such sparkling wit,

I tried but the fizz was gone.

Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2012, 10:14 AM BST

Most reports seem to suggest that this was actually the work of a disturbingly well organised terror cell (possible an AQ affiliate).

What about the other kajillion people who showed up at Embassies around the Muslim world?

Pakistan makes me the angriest, we invented that country, the least they could do is be nice to us.

Turned up shouted, threw stuff and ran away when the police got a bit truncheony and threw tear gas.

Like I say riots yes. But no diferent to Occupy or similar. Basically jobless ignoramouses making a nuisance of themselves.

It's rather pathetic. THat in countries when everyone's going hungry, there's no freedom of speech and the local God Emperors police are partial to shoving brooms up peoples bums.

That the thing that gets them annoyed is some half arsed YouTube clip.

Pathetic but well it's not exactly the Crusades.

Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2012, 12:19 PM BST

THat in countries when everyone's going hungry, there's no freedom of speech and the local God Emperors police are partial to shoving brooms up peoples bums.

That the thing that gets them annoyed is some half arsed YouTube clip.

Too true, but at least they're rioting over fundamental religious beliefs and not some violent drug dealer getting shot by the police. Christ, we're Mexico.

Of course the reason they're rioting. Is because they think if their Field Marshal for censorship can ban anything he likes. Then why can't Barrack Obama.

Which may illustrate why democracy in these cheery places may have a hard time bedding in....

Quote: sootyj @ September 21 2012, 12:25 PM BST

Which may illustrate why democracy in these cheery places may have a hard time bedding in....

As long as they develop a democracy that's better then ours, which isn't difficult to do - oh look, the residents of Hackney have voted for a Labour candidate...again. There's democracy in action.

Democracy is the very worst form of government, except for all the others.

Good old Winston Churchill that one.

Why am I loving this story about Andrew Mitchell MP swearing at the coppers so much? Oh that's right, just like the police, Andrew Mitchell is paid out of our tax money to do a job serving the public good.

Apparently, being told to take your bicycle through an entrance some 5 feet away from a gate is enough to send someone into a bloody hate filled rage. I guess the deaths of the two WPCs in Manchester must have inflamed him with new levels of anti-police unstoppable rage, just like a rioter.

Oh Andrew Mitchell MP, you am rubbish for twats.

I do hope they just shoot the f**ker next time or at least give him a tazering.

It's great how now two policewomen have been shot we all love the police. A week ago this MP would have been lauded as a lovable Borish Johnesque character, but now he's the like the most evil man in britain ever. Timing's everything.

Quote: chipolata @ September 21 2012, 6:38 PM BST

It's great how now two policewomen have been shot we all love the police. A week ago this MP would have been lauded as a lovable Borish Johnesque character, but now he's the like the most evil man in britain ever. Timing's everything.

A week?
Four days ago the old bill were Public enemy No 1 over Hillsboro'.
The two policewomen getting shot was perfect timing as far as they were concerned.
A hardened conspiracy theorist would have a field-day with that.

That Mitchell and Pleb Look !
(Please add photo skilled BCGers!)

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