David Bussell
Friday 21st September 2012 11:22am [Edited]
9,943 posts
Quote: Wanttowrite @ September 21 2012, 12:08 PM BST
Hi all
I am writing a sketch/show idea and am not a comedian (funnily enough) but I do think it is quite a funny sketch/show.
If anyone has any advice about what I do once I have my idea fully spell checked and ready?
How long does the process usually take and also, what pit-falls are there?
Any help welcome from one confused lady 
The bad news is that sketch shows are not really in demand right now, even less so ones that aren't performer led (ie with star names attached). Moving on, my advice would be to do one of two things:
1) Take your best sketch and film it. You'll learn a lot from the process and you'll have something tangible you can put out there. If it's good enough it might even convince some industry types that you're someone to keep an eye on.
2) Shelve the sketch show and write a narrative piece. The industry is much more interested in sitcoms right now.