Hello, you stinky, f**ked-up human beings.
You meat puppets!
Victims of your own imaginations.
Wretched, neurotic creatures, the lot of you (especially those who would protest or take offence---you vain, twisted, hypocritical, uncertain dreamers dreaming your little murky dreams of tears and anxieties and paranoia)...
Recently there was an active thread about Mr Show and it introduced me to said show. The show originally aired in the mid to late 90s on HBO. I did not have HBO and so I never saw it.
The thread piqued my curiosity about the show and so I've watched numerous clips from it on YouTube---and I like it---very much.
I did a bit of research on it and found the description about the show on Wikipedia worth quoting:
"Each episode of Mr. Show essentially consists of a series of sketches, each one transitioning into the next by way of a tangential, or sometimes direct, segue, called a link. For example, sometimes a minor character in one sketch appears as the major character in the next. Often common storylines or themes are returned to at different times throughout a given episode. The show is highly unpredictable and often quite absurd."
"The format of Mr. Show is heavily influenced by the British sketch comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus, particularly in the linking of one sketch to the next, a strong point for both shows, AS IT NEGATES THE TENDENCY TO EXPECT EACH SKETCH TO END ON A PUNCH LINE OR SIMILAR HIGH NOTE (a common feature of more traditional sketch comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live). The interweaving of taped bits and stage-performed sketch found in Flying Circus is prevalent in Mr. Show. Both shows depend greatly on absurdist humor."
I don't know about you, but that description excites me to no end. I very much want to co-create and co-write a show similar in spirit, linkage, and accessible absurdity.
I am presently involved in a podcast/audio project (and welcome submissions, voice actors, and a recording engineer---PM me for the Channel F-U2 Mission Statement) but it would not interfere with co-writing a sketch-based television show because I know how to compartmentalize my projects & time.
Listen, mutherf**ker: THESE are the good old days. It's happening right now. The vibe is on and so is the PUSH from within.
Let's get it on!
Arlington Roth