British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 867

Quote: Tursiops @ September 15 2012, 9:28 PM BST

Can we please have our Doctor Who back?

Sadly, Tim Walker is long gone.

Quote: Tursiops @ September 15 2012, 9:28 PM BST

A gay talking horse, that's something you don't get in the works of Arthur c. Clarke.

This series is so lame and I hate Amy and Rory so very very much. Can we please have our Doctor Who back?

They can't even get the most basic ideas of the Dr right.

That he's a very wise man who hates violence.

It's like remaking Bambi. Except instead of Bambi being a deer he's a tractor.

I vaugely saw a few bits of it tonight, but didn't pay any attention. I assumed it was shit.

A fair assessment. A thoroughly lumpen collection of cowboy, stng cliches slopped together with no real passion. No humour or wit and apparenty a gay horse.

Oh and the Dr turning into an indecisive psychopath.

It's kinda hitting Colin Baker/Sylvester McCoy degrees of badness.

This was my least favourite of the series so far.
Next weeks looks interesting though.

Quote: sootyj @ September 15 2012, 9:45 PM BST

It's kinda hitting Colin Baker/Sylvester McCoy degrees of badness.

And SootyJ was proved wrong forever and ever.

Can't be anyworse.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ September 15 2012, 9:54 PM BST

This was my least favourite of the series so far.
Next weeks looks interesting though.

Are they finally bringing Duggan back?!

Quote: Ben @ September 15 2012, 9:55 PM BST

And SootyJ was proved wrong forever and ever.

Are you high?

I've been drinking Shiraz, Sooty, so I suggest you don't rile me or I'll come down to Putney and knock your fez off.

Who the f**k lives in Putney?
I fear you have mistaken me for your pimp.
In the same way you mistook Sylvster McCoy for a time lord and not a misplaced kids TV presenter.

Quote: sootyj @ September 15 2012, 10:26 PM BST

Who the f**k lives in Putney?
I fear you have mistaken me for your pimp.
In the same way you mistook Sylvster McCoy for a time lord and not a misplaced kids TV presenter.


nb whos? Duggan.

Oh how convenient...

No really who is Duggan? I can be a bit dense about names and its not familiar to me.

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