Godot Taxis
Tuesday 11th September 2012 1:17am [Edited]
5,760 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 10 2012, 6:53 PM BST
I've seen one or two more than that.
I meant it in the sense of 'All Irishmen are drunks' - which means MOST Irishmen are drunks rather than 100% of Irishmen are drunks. Please feel free to exclude yourself.
The point is that I was arguing with Sooty that so called 'classic' Who was worse than Star Trek or Quatermass or whatever and no-one noticed that Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is essentially 'Carnival of Monsters' one of the very best known 'classic' stories.
In Carnival the Doctor and Jo land on a ship in the Indian ocean, meet a 1920s couple and are then anachronistically attacked by a Plesiosaurus. One of the characters on the ship alludes to a hunting past and even says 'what a beast, wouldn't mind having a head like that on the club house wall'.
The Doctor and Jo find a metal panel on the wooden part of the ship that also breaks the illusion of where they are, much like the one that Rory and his Dad discover under the beach. Subsequently they discover they are in a machine called the miniscope and are chased through it by Drashigs - dinosaur like creatures.
Of course there are other, original plot elements in Dinosaurs but essentially it would seem to have been suggested (presumably unconsciously) by watching this story. ironically it held together quite well and would have made a much better opener than the Dalek debacle, last week.