Monday 10th September 2012 1:35pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Tursiops @ September 9 2012, 11:05 PM BST
Do the writers really think that ministers and SpAds have any input into decisions on individual civil service redundancies? God knows the civil service has been politicised enough but it's not reached that stage. Staff in private offices who piss off their minister just get transferred somewhere remote like the DVLA.
Yes Minister was a show that had real access; this to me always just feels like people on the outside guessing.
Very much this. I've felt so of the show for quite a while, but it was particularly evident in this one episode.
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 10 2012, 9:50 AM BST
Me neither. For me, the Thick Of It was always about the sublime world-weariness of Chris Langham's character. As good as she is, Rebecca Front's character wasn't nearly as interesting. The new chap, however, is an excellent replacement.
Agreed. Tucker's one-setting character I found quite tiresome at times. The interplay between the other characters, and as noted the weary, often f**kwittedness of the minister in question, is a far more interesting and varied focus, both in terms of plot and comedy.
Quote: swerytd @ September 10 2012, 9:58 AM BST
I was a bit confused with Ben Willbond's character here: is he the same character that was the newspaper editor in the Specials, who's now in politics (a la Andy Coulsen) or is he playing a different character altogether? It seems to be the latter, just from the way the two characters differ (in my memory).
He retains the exact same character name - Adam Kenyon - so you'll have to blame either a dodgy memory, or no consistency in characterisation on the writers' part.
Despite a few quirks, I really enjoyed episode 1 and laughed a lot. Biggest 'LOL' was the Twix line. Allam is absolutely pitch perfect. Fantastic casting.