Is this show a load of bollocks for kids or the greatest Sci-fi programme ever made? Come on Who fans, make up your minds.
Amy's 'gender politics' and 'no one remembers people who hunt defenceless animals' speeches were in keeping with the show, but still made me want to hurl.
I did enjoy the final line about the light fitting for some weird reason, maybe because it brought everything back into a reality that made sense.
I suppose what really offended me about 'Dinosaurs On A Spaceship' wasn't the overdone ark premise, or the mysterious spaceship hurtling towards Earth premise or the holographic environments or the salvage pirate villain or every other sci-fi premise they stole from ST:TNG, Voyager, Stargate, etc., it was the way the whole thing was handled.
The lack of exposition, everything is a given, don't question any of the logic involved, hey, isn't it a magical fun crotch sniffing adventure kids, approach just leaves me cold.
Eg. Instead of the Hunter handing Amy some ammo and her immediately responding that it was tranquillisers, they could have had the Hunter try out a shot on a dino, released it was a 'stun gun' and then Amy could have said 'Oh it only electrocutes and causes them severe pain, good, because I love animals, etc.' and then joined in the fight. (The fact that the guns didn't look like the hairdryer type weapons that Silurians have used throughout the history of Doctor Who should also be ignored, again for some reason)
Quote: billwill @ September 9 2012, 1:17 PM BST
The villain was a self-confessed multi-murderer of what he thought were the last of the Silurians. No question of his guilt.
Yeah, it's not like the Doctor killed an innocent old man like Bin Laden.